Friday, August 29, 2008

Make'n like a tree!!

I'm going to visit Nana, Papa, Auntie M, Unca Jerry, Flash and Livie LOU!

We're gonna help Auntie M move into her new house!  I think I'm babysitting.  Something about alot of cleaning and painting left and Oh! By The Way... Will you watch the kiddos?!!?

My aversion to "manual labor" is out. (Can I get a Yay?!)

Then once that's done, we'll hang out, play cards, and hang out some more!
I'm leafing (get it?!?! -If not, see title) after school today for the 2.5 hour trip (Hubby's driving, so it takes less time)
I'll miss y'all.  If you get bored... just re-read my last week.  Spiders and Syrup and Rain! Oh MY!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Need I say More??!?!

Your Hair Should Be Blue
Wild, brilliant, and out of control.
You're a risk taker with an eye to the future.


Well.... It seems my busy season is starting again...

 6:00-8:00 Baseball
 6:30 - 7:30 Open House
 7:00- ?? Small Group Leaders Meeting

We've started sports this week.  Which means... 2-3 nights a week for practices and games (I'm combining the kiddos)

I've had a ba-zillion things running through my mind and I seriously don't have a clue where to start.  Luckily, none of them have to do with laundry.

Did anyone notice how many coffee mugs there were on my desk at school??!?!

I'll be with Livie Lou for the extended weekend.  Hope all who are traveling are safe!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wordless Wednesday.

A Classroom in Ecuador
Another Classroom in Ecuador
My Classroom
My Classroom again

I remember a time (like 2 weeks ago) when I was stressing over my classroom and the way it looks.  I took a break from all of the decorating to go through my Ecuador pictures only to find some of what I took specifically for this purpose:  Don't forget how good you really have it.  God provides in AMAZING ways!
For more Wordless Wednesdays go  here.

Monday, August 25, 2008

100th Post.

...Are you supposed to do something special for this?!?!?

Overall.. I can tell you this... 
My Bloggy Buddies are the BESTEST!  
A special thanks to all 4 of you for spending the time to read and comment.  (insert smiley face)  
I'm ready for  another 100 posts that are full of chaos, funnies, and most importantly... COFFEE!!!

Love to you ALL!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Waterfront Property

This is my back yard yesterday afternoon.  
It's still raining...
See below on how we've kept ourselves entertained.

..And the laughs keep coming!!

Friday night... Monster spent the night with Mimi during Tropical Storm winds with two of his buddies.  Buggy, Hubby, and I went to some friends house, played cards, went down memory lane of old improv skits from Carol Burnett and random excerpts from old tv shows like Perfect Strangers.

Once we got home, Buggy went to sleep, I fiddled on the computer and started to become a pumpkin at the raw hour of 12.  At that point, I went to sleep.   Around 2:30, I strongly suggested to Hubby that it would be wise to go to sleep as well and he climbed in to bed...and then he jumped out!

..Okay, I'm 1/2 asleep as he turns on the lights and is frantically claiming that there is something on our bed.  (insert I've been in a dead sleep for 2.5 hours with whatever is IN our bed and know Nothing)  I jump out of bed and make it between our bed and the office.  Then Hubby proceeds to lift the bedsheet and backs up 18 feet to the wall as some pretty frightened words come out of his mouth reaching a PG-13 rating.  After the confusion settles, I translate his words into understanding that there is a large furry spider of about 2.5 inches under our bedsheet.
....for the record.... there are few things that Hubby and I completely are alike on.  We like the same mayonnaise AND we're both seriously afraid of Spiders.  Especially big, furry ones of gigantic proportion at 2:30 in the morning, IN our bed.
So.. I back up even further into the office and he's stuck alone with the spider which is on his side of the bed.  He's holding a lap desk over his head trying to figure out if he should smush the eight-legged creature into the mattress or get it out from under the bed sheet and then smush it.  I -now in a fully awake mode and thinking somewhat clearly state- If YOU scoot it out then it's on the floor and YOU have to chase it. (I'm practically standing on my desk chair.)
Hubby then decides to go into the garage and pick up a giant rubbermaid container so that he can scoop the thingy into the container and suffocate it or whatever.  Leaving me ALONE with the furry creepy crawly creature.  My Hero.
At this point my memory kicks in and catches up to my heart beat.  Early during the day Monster was sneaking around in our bedroom.  I normally catch him at the point he's leaving the room or right before he scares me.  I also vaguely remember him placing a 2.5 inch furry like plastic spider in Buggy's doorway to "scare" her which she promptly chucked across the hall back into his room....At this point.... I start to giggle.
Enter Hubby with giant 80 gallon rubbermaid container and lid.  He then lifts up the bed sheet and gets closer.  That's when we figure out that our 10 year old has a sense of humor and evil planning skills.
I'm laughing hysterically at this point and Hubby is positive that I deserve an Emmy for my performance since I was obviously in on the joke.  (Me... at 2:30 in the morning... joking....Puh-Lease)

Needless to say... the joke was on us.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Syrupy Sweet.... **SEE EDIT**

We had a  four day week courtesy of Tropical Storm Fay and the county.

Sooo I'm spending today hanging out and catching up on work and housework.  Later, I'm taking Monster to Mimi's for a "slumber party" and then  Buggy and Hubby and I are on our way for pizza at friend's house to enjoy some fun times with them.

Overall it's been a pretty quiet day.  Lots of rain.  But quiet.

We all slept in and walked around in our PJs for as long as possible.  Buggy got up and  made waffles and took them into her room.  Which I'm okay with especially cause there wasn't any syrup on the plate when she walked out of the kitchen.  As the day progressed and the kiddos were working on their rooms I worked on the rest of the house and laundry.  I noticed Buggy carrying the waffle plate out of her room and this time it had syrup on it.

So I think to myself...Self?!?  When did she put syrup on the plate? and quickly fumble in the fridge for the syrup bottle...which isn't to be found.

Sprinting to her room, I ask... "Buggy.... Where is the syrup bottle?"
Her:  I put it up. (pause)
Me:  "Where EXACTLY did you put it?" (pause) (pause)
Her: (Shifty eyed shrug then she looks in her room and then at me and then back again... )
Me:  (insert "I'm not happy voice")  Buggy, You need to make the decision as to whether or not you are going to get in trouble for doing something wrong and telling the truth or doing something wrong and lying on top of it.
Her: (walks into her room, pulls syrup bottle from under her bed, and then hands it to me)
Me: WHY is the syrup bottle under your bed?!?! (Thank goodness it was still cold and it hadn't been there long)
Her:  I have this spot on my cheek and syrup makes it feel better!
Me:  Syrup is made of sugar and is not good for your skin.  It'll make it sticky.

So, I take the bottle, place it in the refrigerator and think... Could this be another miracle facial product?  AJ Syrup Light - The New Wrinkle product?  It'll stick the wrinkles together causing one smooth surface?

Naaaaaa... stick to what you told Buggy.  The mess isn't worth it!

****PART 2****

Hubby:  You smell different. What are you wearing?
Buggy:  I put hair stuff on my legs.  I want my leg hairs to grow.
Me:  What hair stuff?
Buggy: The stuff we use on my hair.
Me:  Will you bring it to me??
(exit Buggy)
Hubby:  (giggle...supressed laugh) You might want to start typing now.  (giggle) (trying to keep a straight face) AND let her know that girls don't want their leg hairs to grow.
(enter Buggy with bottle of hair stuff that she hands to me)
Me:  Honey, this is hair conditioner.  It's not going to help your hair grow, it's so you don't have tangles.
Buggy:  Oh.
Me:  Girls don't want their leg hairs to grow.  When you get older you'll have to shave your legs.
Buggy: Why?
Me:  It's just one of those things girls do.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I gots nuffin.

...nuffin to say.

...nuffin to think.
...nuffin to blog.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So many wrongs...and it's still RIGHT!


It was a No Worries day, regardless that I was unprepared.
I didn't even print my rolls until the first bell rang for the day.  (That's pretty BAD!)
My Flipchart for my SmartBoard was completely messed up so I had to redo it.  I absolutely forgot the reason why I leave my house so early (TRAFFIC) and arrived later than I had planned.  I was 5 minutes late to duty.  I had 2 visits from the Principal and one visit from the AP.  

Overall though?!!  It was a wonderful day.  My students think I'm absolutely NUTS.  I saw my students from last year and they were telling the new students how cool I am and that they better behave.  (Is that threatening?)  Even my more "challenging" students found a reason to see me yesterday.  My mother-in-law was like... "I told you so... "

I must say this.... When you are doing what God asked you to do... there is a Peace.  Alicia pointed it out perfectly.  I got a good dose of it on my drive to school.  I also had the Boot to the Head experience early yesterday morning.  
So, regardless of what went wrong.  It WAS a good day.  I'd forgotten WHY I do this until I saw my students. 

Off to wake up kiddos!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Control or Lack thereof?

Today is the first day of school!

I planned to welcome it with open arms until last week.  Which stressed me out so much it drove me to buy a brand new bottle of Excedrin Tension Headache.  I've been tiptoe-ing and squinting at  people for the last two days and searching for EVERY opportunity to put my head down.  I went so far as to wear my sunglasses inside until it became socially inappropriate and friends were calling me Hollywood.  

Here's my problem..... I don't have the least bit of control of my thought process.  Whoa... BIG Surprise there, Rho!  I mean....  I'm so stink'n focused on making sure that I get the material and techno stuff right to make the first week of school cooler than the other teachers that I'm missing (once again) the point.  Combine it with the fact that I've been dealt some pretty big "Attack" hands by You-Know-Who and I'm spiraling out of control.

I  had opportunities to speak to 3 friends that  were giving me Spiritual Spankings left and right and I still battled this "get everything finished" attitude.  I even went up for PRAYER at the end of the service that was about  being attacked and how awesome God's army is... and you guessed... Another one bites the dust.  (Hardhead, stubborn, blinded....)  I didn't have the opportunity to work on anything last night due to the fact, I couldn't stay focused 'cause of the monstrosity of a headache I had worked myself into. (yet, another surprise...I'm sure.)  
Soo... I wake up this morning with positive thoughts forced in my mind.  I needed a better attitude.  I knew that much.  I get up, no problems.  I get ready, no problems.  I fix God's Gift of Coffee, no problems.  Wait.  Houston?!?!?!  Why is there a light on over on the kiddos' side of the house?  It's 5:30AM... My ME time.  We're working on positive attitudes. What's the DEAL?!?!?!  
Me:  "Buddy?"
Monster:  "Hi Mom!"
Me:  "Hon, Why are you up so early?  Are you excited about 5th grade?"
Monster:  "I wanted to make sure I had enough time to get EVERYTHING done"  (A child after my own heart)
Me:  "I'm pretty sure that you can wake up at 6:00 tomorrow and get everything done and get a little bit more sleep."
Monster:  "Okay!  Can I watch TV?"  
Me:  "In your room."  (Still need to create the atmosphere of I'm the only one awake for my ME time.)

Okay.  So I settle in front of my computer.  After all... I have 1 hour before waking up Buggy.  I can get some stuff done...right?  (insert hysterical laugh of unmentionable proportion)  
Message on computer- Update these things please... Current update should take 6 minutes.  What on earth can I do for just 6 minutes?!?! Looking. Looking.  

My eyes fall on the bible study that us "Summer Moms Club" were supposed to do so that we'd have something adult to discuss other than why we were so frustrated with our children over the summer or even worse.... SCHOOL stuff!  Notice I said supposed to do.  I was stuck on week one for the entire summer.  That's where I worked my way through Psalms 139.  The name of the book is...Victoriously Frazzled:  The Frazzled Female's Guide to Restoring Her Sanity by Cindi Wood.  Okay, God.  I'll look instead of in my e-mail for my devo. 

Skip the last page of week 1.  Start week 2.  
Title:  Control Freaks
Yup.  Boot to the Head, Holy Spirit Style.
Scripture:  Acts 9:1-9 (You know, the story where Saul gets STOPPED by God and BLINDED.)
Yup. Yup. - Boot to the Head. again.
Questions asked:  How does being out of control make you feel? Circled 6 out 8 listed.  In what areas of your life do you need to hand over the reins?  Circled 5 out of 10 listed. What is God revealing to you through today's study?
Yup. Yup. Yup.  Seeing the pattern!!  Boot to the Head.  

At the end of the day or even the beginning.  Who's in control?  The prayer at the end of today's lesson gives me great things to focus on...
I also accept the fact that I am not supposed to control everybody and everything.  Help me know when to back off and submit to YOU and YOUR Authority.

p.s.  My head is SO much better.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Not Enough Coffee.

I've had 3 sips and I log-in and find my dashboard discombobulated. (if it's not spelled correctly, Sound it'll get it)

Well...I hit my wall... Emotionally and Physically.
I'm tired and worn out.  This 4:30 wake up and summer late nights (10:00) are killing me.  Combine that with stress attitudes from co-workers (my clash has backed off) and it makes for and ibuprofen or acetaminophen day.  I still have a list of things to finish and not enough time to get them done.  Seriously.. I stood in the middle of my classroom looking at the chairs trying to COUNT them for 10 minutes due to the fact that I couldn't focus on that simple thing. Even WORSE.... I walked out of the house without my wedding bands on!  I had every other, earrings, necklace, belt, matching purse... NO rings.. and those are the FIRST things I put on after I get beautiful. (They're already on for today)

Today starts the students.  We have an open house/orientation for the new students.  They don't know who they have yet due to schedules being handed out on Monday...but, they still get to visit.  I had a couple visit yesterday from last year.  I didn't realize the nostalgia I'd get.  Not to mention looking at the combinations of the students from last year in this year's rolls for other teachers.

Okay... I need to wake up the kiddos.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I met my first REAL obstacle yesterday.  It's one that could possibly last the year OR longer - IF I let it.

I have a person that I can't get along with.  We're talking under MY skin (difficult for me), nails on a chalkboard,  and I was unable to keep a smile (earth shattering).  We're talking a 6 hour Rho attitude on a 8 hour Rho.

This person crossed the line of professionalism AND just plain manners. (which of all things irks me that much more)  

We (the People of the Social Studies) -getting into the mood for Civics...Sorry-  had a 3 hour curriculum meeting regarding the first 4 weeks of school.  
Every time.  I mean. 
EVER-RY. (pause) 
SING-GUL. (pause)
 TIME. (pause, pause) 
I went to speak, THIS person interrupted me and we're talking with a one upper, a snide remark, or just plain she's right. I couldn't talk.  AT. ALL.

I almost LOST IT.  Please note.  It says almost.  That means that the Old Rho of many colorful words and VERY sharp tongue was boiling inside of me.  We're talking run and hide under tables if she's present.  Y'all, (I get more southern when I'm livid)  my department head even apologized for that person's behavior. (That could've been from a look I passed on to her but, still she even noticed.)  But, gave me instructions to explain to THIS person that I was talking or... do the "Excuse me?!" subtle hint before THE person gets out of hand...  

My explanation was...IF I were to say wouldn't have been pleasant.  (At that point, I was thinking of physical ways to squash her)  -Sorry friends... just being real here.-
I did however break a rule of my own and vented to someone other than my MIL ,who I work with.  More so about the behavior than the person.  But, I still opened my mouth. 

Sooo all that to say this.
I have another meeting with this person at 8:30 this morning.    I'm loading up on coffee with extra sugar so I can be sweet.  Not to mention spending some extra time in some Love your Neighbor verses as well as repenting for the thoughts I had yesterday.  
PRAY for me.  

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Look!!! Look!!!

Woo!  Hoo!!  I gots BLING-BABY!

It's my very first one and I got extensive language as to how to post it on my blog.  
AND... now... it's here!!  I did it!

A Berry Special Thanks to Joanna.  She blessed me with the Award and that made me Smile which is why she got the award in the first place so it's Berry well deserved on HER part!  Thankyouverymuch!


I think I'm supposed to Tag People in this.  Seeing as one of my 4 readers tagged me (at least those who comment and I know of... **subtle hint to comment if you visit so I can see you too!!**)  
I'mma gonna tag Fuschia, Alicia, and Profesora for making me smile by reading my blog!!

P.S.  Did I do it right?!?!


Happy Dance!!!

My Classroom is DONE!

That being said, we're keeping our prayers up and fingers crossed that the double sided tape stays stuck to the wall 'cause I don't think I can handle any more time on a ladder. 

I'll attach pictures later.. (when I remember to bring my camera)

Things I have left to do to prepare for 2008-2009.
1.  Plan for the first couple of weeks.
2. Make copies of syllabus, grading policies, blah, blah, blah.

Good news!!  
  • My largest class is 25.  Last year's was right at 30.
  • I FOUND my 4GB Flash drive.
  • My smallest class is 18.

ME time!

I did it!!  I "woke" up to my 4:30 alarm and "snoozed" until 5 making it right on schedule!!!  Eventually, I might push it back another 15 minutes but, I'm pretty proud of myself.

I am an early riser by nature.  I also understand by Fuschia there is no air at this time and there are days where I would agree with her.  But, I have to do this.  This is the ONLY way I can get my entire day started and still have ME time.  You know the time that us Mommies and Wives forget to take for us because we are sacrificially devoting all of our other time to those who need us.  

My ME time is extremely important to me which is why I try so hard to get it.  It is the time I can reflect (on the day ), exercise(ummm..or settle for another cup of coffee and reflect some more), and most importantly PRAY and STUDY my Bible.  It's when I can talk with my Father and have those WOW or quiet moments about my attitude or just life in general.  
I picked the morning for several reasons.... 
  1. Hubby is a night person.  After the kiddos are asleep we have "us" time for couple prayer and moments of conversation.  I can't focus (which is a good thing) on what I need to do for ME time when he's awake.  We don't get to spend alot of time together so, I treasure the moments we can.  Even if it's just sitting together in the office while we're working on separate things.  We are spending time together.  (It's one of his Love Languages as well... Quality Time)
  2. NOBODY is up this early.  I won't get interrupting phone calls or kiddos.  It's just me, God, my Bible and a cup of coffee.  Sometimes there is soft music but, most times it's silent.  It's amazing when you really ARE still.
  3. In my warped brain.... because NOBODY is up this early...I think - I have God's full attention.  Wait. Stop.  I know what you are thinking.  I KNOW that he's focused on everyone at every time...I just enjoy having some Princess moments... even if it's only in my brain. 
You see, I have a busy life (as do all 3 of my Bloggy Readers)  and I enjoy every bit of it.  Do I get stressed out?!!  Absolutely!  But, I'm restored every morning because I choose to spend that time with God and get a refreshing breath.  I spend most of my day sending Popcorn prayers up.  But, the morning is when I can settle down and just chit chat with a close and personal God.  
This Sunday... RedDaddy preached on relationships.  The one thing I know about relationships is that communication is needed.  If there is no communication on a regular basis, your relationship (friendship, marriage, or work) will  fall apart. 

So take some ME time.  Figure out what works for YOU!  I know that early wake ups aren't for everyone.  I'm married to one of those people.  I also want to say this... use it WISELY.  Don't use the extra hour to clean the kitchen that wasn't cleaned the night before.  Have your ME time, check the chore chart and make that person get up early to finish THEIR chores after you've had some quiet time!

Monday, August 11, 2008

School Year 2008-2009

...Starts today for teachers.

1.  I've already "misplaced" several items - including my 4 GB Flash drive purchased especially for this year!
2.  My room isn't finished.
3. I'll be in meetings all day.
4.  My kiddos will be ruling the school with other kiddos from other teachers from the school.

Starting Chaos on the right foot... Don't you think?!?!
Wanna know the weird part?  
I'm in a very peaceful mood.
No stress.  No bitterness.
Yup.  This is the stuff I'm supposed to be doing.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I survived.

..and have been working frantically to put my house back together.

It's amazing to me that we didn't spend near as much time at the house and it ended up looking like a tornado hit it.  Combine that with the fact that I have no idea what I'm doing the first week of school and you've got a crazy Rho.  I mean more crazy than normal.

The week has been a little hectic.  Overall, I can say positive things about my training.  There were some pretty cool activities AND field trips.  


Last night was Vonderful!!  Hubby and I celebrated our 12th anniversary.  It was our 15th year at our favorite anniversary spot known as THE MELTING POT.  The kiddos hung out at the church for a lock-in so we had the WHOLE evening by ourselves!!  Besides the 3.5 hours in a beautiful atmosphere speaking adult to Hubby... other highlights included our waiter making the old mushroom salad for me (they took it off the menu a year ago)... and a trip to Wal-mart, where we wandered aimlessly.  Our official day is tomorrow.

Happy Anniversary Hubby!!
I love you!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


This conversation took place last night at the House of Rho.

Hubby:  You look tired.
Me: (whining) I AM tired.  I've been using my brain too much AND keep my mouth shut at the same time.
Hubby:  Really?
Me:  It's very hard. (Nodding and giving my best serious three year old look)
Hubby:  Which one?  using your brain or keeping your mouth shut?
Me:  (smiling) Multi-tasking.

Off to punch out Presidents and laminate them!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

...I'm alive...

For the record....

Yes, I'm alive.  My brain is about to explode but, I'm alive.

Yesterday was better than Monday.

I might  be able to say nice things about the week by Friday.

I'm still struggling with having the unbiased face in a room full of WAY biased people.  Some of the lessons are asking us for our opinions - I'm choosing to stay quiet.  More so for observing purposes but, also because of fear.  Yesterday we talked Presidential Candidates and Vice President options as well as debating the First Amendment.  Today we're actually going to the Supreme Court to watch peers argue the Fourth Amendment.

Off to get the kids up... 

Monday, August 4, 2008

My Summer Lesson.

I've referenced for a couple of posts about my working on myself.  Thought you'd like the background.

For weeks, even months I've had the same prayer.  I would pray this every night with the expectation of the next morning, waking up and having my eyes opened:

 Help me to wake up the mother you want me to be, the wife you'd like me to be, and the woman you need me to be.  Give me the strength and courage to speak out when I need to, the ability to walk away from the temptations of food, the energy to exercise, and the willingness to keep my mouth shut when I should.  Mold me.

.....and for weeks, even months I wake up and find nothing has changed.  I cried out.. What's wrong with me?  
Why aren't my prayers being answered?  I've asked for forgiveness and paid special attention to those things that I have trouble with.  I buried myself in Psalms 139.  I had mantras of the verse....I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  
I even went so far as to walk away from it.  Obviously it wasn't my season to change.  I needed to find the reason why God wasn't working on my request and after a while... I just stopped asking.  The thoughts were still there.  I just figured that if I stopped asking, God would think I'd forgotten and then he'd answer my prayer.

This past Saturday - I returned Psalm 139 - after being woken up almost like I was hit in the head.  It's amazing what happens when you give something a break.  You see something new.  I also am  convinced this is why we call it the Living Word.  It's constantly changing for us when we're ready for it.  The Word gives us  breath when we're ready.  

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  Psalm 139:13-14

Ummm.. DUH?!?!?!?  Follow my brain for just a second.  

#1.  I'm asking the Lord to CHANGE me.
#2.  He CREATED me.
For most this seems simple.  For me, it was like a CRACK in my head.  Why on earth would I ask him to CHANGE me?  
I'm just fleshing life out right now.  I want to match all of my friends.  I want to wear the smaller sizes.  I want to be the one with words of wisdom when someone is pouring their heart out.  I want to be Mom of the year.  Finally, I want to be the gifted speaker in front of a group, giving my hard-earned lessons to those who can learn from them instead of in them.
You see, the Lord created me to be me NOT to be like my friends...which was what my prayer was - I just dropped their names to protect the innocent. 

 Your works (that's me!) are wonderful, I (now) know that full well.
  (emphasis and the additional words, inserted by me...for my hard headedness)

That being said.  I'm working on becoming the woman the Lord has already formed.  You see it's already in me.  I just need to mature.  This is an ongoing process and I need God's help.  My heart wasn't in the right place when I was praying that prayer above.  

Thank goodness for swift kicks to the head.
I'm getting it.

**Sing With Me**

(clink. clink. clinkclinkclinkclinkclinkcliiiiiink...)

Hii Hooooo!!
Hi Ho! Hi Ho!
It's off to work I go!!
Hmmmpf.Hmmmpf.Hmmmpf.Hmmmpf. Hmmmpf. Hmmmmpf. Hmmmpf.Hmmmpf.
Hi Ho! Hi Ho! Hi Ho! Hi Ho!

I'll post later tonight.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Early Riser.

I'm up.  

I'm meeting buddies at Chic-fil-A for breakfast and the  Staples Teacher Appreciation event.  I really hope it's as big  as I'm making it out to be.  
New perk from visiting the Hair Goddess.... It took roughly 40 minutes to get out of bed, shower, make-up, hair and ready to go!  That's a NEW record AND it's a good hair day!
I'm typing here because it's too inviting to crawl back into bed.
I'm normally an early riser.  I've slacked off ENORMOUSLY over the summer and have been gradually going back to my schedule.  This last week was a 6:30 wake up.  Next week.... is 5:30 and I still have one more hour to go.
Friends think it's a little inhuman to wake up that early... I think of it a way to add an extra hour in my day so that I can get my Bible in and eventually some exercise so that I can move back into my quest for a smaller single-digit size and new wardrobe.  
Not to mention.... nobody else wakes up at this early hour and I've got the entire world of peace and quiet... That's pretty hard to come by in the House of Rho.

Friday, August 1, 2008

My last day of summer.

.. and here I sit, in front of a computer, in the dark.

I'm avoiding the laundry and other housework that I need to do because well... I won't have time to do it.
I'm avoiding the school work that I need to do because well.... I don't have time to do it.
BUT... after my pot of coffee (I'm splurging today) I'll be well on my way to organizing chaos.

I was talking to a friend last night about all of things I wanted to do over summer that I didn't do.  The main reason was because we were so busy doing the things we "felt" like doing.  For instance - I wanted to reorganize the book shelves that line my bedroom wall and get out a good bit of the clutter.  I "felt" like swimming with my kids instead.  So. I'm deeming this summer.... The summer of didn't do's.

..didn't do the organizing.
..didn't do the pre-planning.
..didn't do the laundry.
..didn't do..... I think you're getting the picture.

While, it sounds a bit like I'm down on myself for not completing the 8 lists that I started the summer with... I'm pretty proud of me.  We did mostly what my kids wanted to do (within reason- jumping off the roof of the house just was a little too dangerous for me).  I spent a good bit of my time with them.  Which ultimately is why I made my giant career change 4 years ago.  So, YAY ME!!!

At the end of the day, my children know I love them.  Not because of how organized my house is.'s not - I just stuff the cabinets and duct tape them closed.  They know I love them because of my time and my heart.  
It's back to the me thing that God has been working on ALL summer.  
As a mom, I find it hard to put myself first and speak out that my kids need me or want me.  There are days when I feel like I just simply was put here to carry them for 9 months and make sure there are no broken bones until they're out of the house.  But, there are moments throughout the day when a simple I love you or Thank you makes me realize that they do need me and I'm here for much more than that.  My children love me for me.  Just like God does.  It doesn't matter what my hair looks like (btw-THE Hair Goddess performed yet another miracle!) or how cranky I am.
So.. I don't know if I'm the only one out here in Bloggyworld that's dealing with that or not... but, at the end of the day.... I know my children love me and that's what counts.