I'm going to visit Nana, Papa, Auntie M, Unca Jerry, Flash and Livie LOU!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Make'n like a tree!!
Brewed by RhoDelta at 6:20 AM 1 creams and sugars
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Need I say More??!?!
Your Hair Should Be Blue
You're a risk taker with an eye to the future.
Brewed by RhoDelta at 9:36 PM 0 creams and sugars
Well.... It seems my busy season is starting again...
Brewed by RhoDelta at 6:04 AM 0 creams and sugars
Labels: Chaos
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Wordless Wednesday.
Brewed by RhoDelta at 12:00 AM 3 creams and sugars
Labels: Classroom, Wordless Wednesday
Monday, August 25, 2008
100th Post.
...Are you supposed to do something special for this?!?!?
Brewed by RhoDelta at 8:37 PM 3 creams and sugars
Labels: Chaos, Coffee, friendship, Random
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Waterfront Property
Brewed by RhoDelta at 9:12 PM 0 creams and sugars
Labels: Chaos
..And the laughs keep coming!!
Friday night... Monster spent the night with Mimi during Tropical Storm winds with two of his buddies. Buggy, Hubby, and I went to some friends house, played cards, went down memory lane of old improv skits from Carol Burnett and random excerpts from old tv shows like Perfect Strangers.
Brewed by RhoDelta at 8:40 PM 3 creams and sugars
Friday, August 22, 2008
Syrupy Sweet.... **SEE EDIT**
We had a four day week courtesy of Tropical Storm Fay and the county.
Brewed by RhoDelta at 2:09 PM 2 creams and sugars
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I gots nuffin.
...nuffin to say.
Brewed by RhoDelta at 6:30 AM 2 creams and sugars
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
So many wrongs...and it's still RIGHT!
Brewed by RhoDelta at 6:03 AM 1 creams and sugars
Monday, August 18, 2008
Control or Lack thereof?
Today is the first day of school!
Brewed by RhoDelta at 6:04 AM 1 creams and sugars
Friday, August 15, 2008
Not Enough Coffee.
I've had 3 sips and I log-in and find my dashboard discombobulated. (if it's not spelled correctly, Sound it out...you'll get it)
Brewed by RhoDelta at 6:16 AM 1 creams and sugars
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I met my first REAL obstacle yesterday. It's one that could possibly last the year OR longer - IF I let it.
Brewed by RhoDelta at 6:06 AM 3 creams and sugars
Labels: Chaos, Prayer Request, Venting
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Look!!! Look!!!
Brewed by RhoDelta at 8:35 PM 2 creams and sugars
Labels: Thanks
Happy Dance!!!
My Classroom is DONE!
- My largest class is 25. Last year's was right at 30.
- I FOUND my 4GB Flash drive.
- My smallest class is 18.
Brewed by RhoDelta at 6:35 AM 0 creams and sugars
Labels: Classroom
ME time!
I did it!! I "woke" up to my 4:30 alarm and "snoozed" until 5 making it right on schedule!!! Eventually, I might push it back another 15 minutes but, I'm pretty proud of myself.
- Hubby is a night person. After the kiddos are asleep we have "us" time for couple prayer and moments of conversation. I can't focus (which is a good thing) on what I need to do for ME time when he's awake. We don't get to spend alot of time together so, I treasure the moments we can. Even if it's just sitting together in the office while we're working on separate things. We are spending time together. (It's one of his Love Languages as well... Quality Time)
- NOBODY is up this early. I won't get interrupting phone calls or kiddos. It's just me, God, my Bible and a cup of coffee. Sometimes there is soft music but, most times it's silent. It's amazing when you really ARE still.
- In my warped brain.... because NOBODY is up this early...I think - I have God's full attention. Wait. Stop. I know what you are thinking. I KNOW that he's focused on everyone at every time...I just enjoy having some Princess moments... even if it's only in my brain.
Brewed by RhoDelta at 5:58 AM 1 creams and sugars
Labels: Coffee, Encouragement
Monday, August 11, 2008
School Year 2008-2009
...Starts today for teachers.
Brewed by RhoDelta at 6:43 AM 2 creams and sugars
Saturday, August 9, 2008
I survived.
..and have been working frantically to put my house back together.
Brewed by RhoDelta at 10:21 PM 1 creams and sugars
Thursday, August 7, 2008
This conversation took place last night at the House of Rho.
Brewed by RhoDelta at 7:24 AM 1 creams and sugars
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
...I'm alive...
For the record....
Brewed by RhoDelta at 6:56 AM 2 creams and sugars
Monday, August 4, 2008
My Summer Lesson.
I've referenced for a couple of posts about my working on myself. Thought you'd like the background.
Brewed by RhoDelta at 10:35 PM 1 creams and sugars
**Sing With Me**
(clink. clink. clinkclinkclinkclinkclinkcliiiiiink...)
Brewed by RhoDelta at 7:56 AM 2 creams and sugars
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Early Riser.
I'm up.
Brewed by RhoDelta at 7:07 AM 3 creams and sugars
Labels: Random
Friday, August 1, 2008
My last day of summer.
.. and here I sit, in front of a computer, in the dark.
Brewed by RhoDelta at 8:13 AM 1 creams and sugars
Labels: Coffee, Encouragement