Sunday, February 28, 2010

The best part of waking up.....

29 days ago...I started on adventure. One that would bring me to my knees in pain and prayer. The first 3 days were the absolute much in fact, I chose to lock myself in my room and not speak to anyone. Unless of course, I was working or yelling at my family.

Needless to say we all survived. Tomorrow is the end of my fast and I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't looking forward to my first Cup O' Joe. I've made some changes though. With the exception of drinking tea when we went out to eat, I've been caffeine free. So, I've decided to go back to coffee but decaf. (It doesn't help that when I told the Dr. how much coffee I drink daily, she almost fell out of her chair)

Decaf doesn't make The House of Rho any less chaotic though... which is another lesson I learned on this fast. Life does go on without coffee (GASP!) In fact, it goes a little slower. Not too don't think I've found a pause button. But, life was at a slower pace which gave so much time for extra chaos!! Or time for me notice........

Any who.... Have a great Monday!!