Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekend Funnies.....

Monster " Wow!  That's a nice corvette!"

Hubby "Howdoya know?"
Monster  "Ummm... Duh?!?!? It say's CORVETTE on the back of it!"

While on our way to the baseball game yesterday from church... We're changing in the car.

Buggy... "Monster... don't forget your underwear, your cup, & your safety underwear"

Baseball season is over.  We were eliminated from the tournament on the best attitude and fun game the players had all year.  On Saturday, while I was at the Goddess.... our coach (the one I have WAY too many un-nice things to say about) was "dismissed" from the park after carrying on in a rather dramatic way.  So, yesterday's game was pleasant and the kids had a great time!  There is still a lot of damage done to the confidence of these players... Mainly his son's.   They played well and they were smiling.  That's what it's about.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cooler Weather and Coffee Creamer.

Oh, the Bliss!!  We FINALLY have dropping temperatures in the glorious State of Sunshine!

My favorite time of year "fall" lasts all of about 3 weeks before we have the dropping numbers or worse - another giant heat wave.  


I DO love the fact that Nestle doesn't care if the weather agrees with the season... they still promptly put out my favorite coffee creamer as soon as the season dictates. 
 You know the season of rushing, buying, and decorating?!?! 
 It starts with the orange and black and snack size candies at our disposal, followed by gourmet cooking and birds and pies, then runs right into the hurry up and buy grumpy shopping with sparkling decorating and lots of parties, then we start the new year and off we go for love and then a rabbit hides eggs around our house that we hope we counted correctly otherwise we'll have a surprise by fireworks?!?!
.....Boy! Did I get off topic!!!  
However...while I'm here... Is that really the seasons we celebrate?!!?  Sadly, I think we're a little too busy to realize what each "holiday" means in or out of our churches. The commercial point of view sucks us away from the learning experiences, the family laughs, and the giving of love.  I am not saying this is what every person does.  I just know I'm guilty of getting caught up in lists, dinners, and baking to really enjoy what the holiday is for and that is what is in my heart this morning.  Every holiday season I start of with the mindset of simpler...and every holiday season I'm a little closer to the point but, not enough that it counts.
Soo... I get back to what I started with..
My favorite coffee creamer... is Gingerbread - the liquid kind. 
 I wrap myself in the morning with the sweet aroma of the holidays as I sip  and memories flood back of the simpler time when I wasn't the one that had to rush, buy, or decorate.  I remember the time of sitting around with my parents and sister playing family games and looking over a room covered in love as we made time for one another and dreamed of what it would be like for my future family.  That's what I hold on to as I make my decisions for the upcoming holiday season.  Making sure that I have the time to hang out with family and friends.  Making sure it's not all about the commercial part and more about what the holiday should truly be about.... 

Was the post Random? Yeah.  It was.  No worries though.  Somebody needed it.. Even if it's just me.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Queen Rho...

Is making a guest appearance at school today!!!
The Chapter we are currently on is discussing the colonists and their charters.  So the end of the Chapter (and nine weeks) assessment is presenting their colony ideas to Queen Rho!  
YAY!  I'm going in full character.  It helps that today is Wacky Tacky day.  If I can get the overall outfit I will.. Until then...  
The kingdom will have great parties and celebrations as the new colonies are accepted.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


My Retreat did exactly what it was supposed to do. 

Give me rest.  

I'm stretching it as far as it can go... Soooooooo
 I love y'all!!! And I'll be back soon!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I'm off for the retreat!

I'll be spending 2 days at the beach with some friends and ladies from the church for our annual Ladies Retreat.  I've been looking forward to it since LAST year's!

Love y'all!!!

p.s. I figured out what was wrong with my alarm clock!  Apparently, you have to turn the alarm ON if you expect it to go off!!  Yup.  I did THAT.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I'm gett'n nuffin...

You know that song we sing at Christmas as a spoof?  

Iiiii'm gett'n nuffiiiin for Chriiiistmaaaas.... Mooooommy & Daaaaaddy are maaaad...?!?!?!

I'm waiting for the tune to get stuck in your brain.
there yet??!? Oh. A couple more seconds then..
Okay.  That should be good enough.  The song starts off with a list of "wrongs" that the child has committed.
That was my day.  Except.  I was wronged.
**Sigh**  Just a tough day.
My alarm didn't go off.
My daughter didn't wake up.
I had a parent/teacher conference after being in training for a day and needing to make copies.
I had a staffing and someone covered my room only to come back to two tests that were taken away due to cheating.
An impromptu meeting with a parent due to the cheating and a phone call with the other parent.
.....and FINALLY!!!
An allergic reaction to the new eye make-up which makes the lids of my eyes feel like they're on fire and they are red and swollen..

...and what on earth does the song have to do with my day? 
Not. a. clue.  
It's just stuck in my brain and Your's too!!! 

Can't. Get. It. Together.

Just thought you'd like to know. ~Rho

Monday, October 6, 2008

The week...

I don't know why I feel it necessary to post my week every Monday...

I guess it's my way of "ordering my week" and asking others to support me in prayer as I make it through.  This week though busy will come to a nice abrupt halt by Thursday evening.... Well... Sort of.   Read below.

Monday....... Workshop, Baseball @ 5:00 - Fuschia... as far as we know business is normal so pray for me!
Tuesday....... Work, Buggy has Soccer practice @ 5:30
Wednesday...Work, Choir Practice (kiddos), church
Thursday......Work, then off to WOMEN'S RETREAT!!!!
Friday and Saturday.... Retreating.

I've been looking forward to the retreat since the last one.  It's a wonderful time for me to reflect and look forward to the great things God has planned for me and my family.  Not to mention... it's a girl's weekend!!!!  

Wanna Giggle?!?!

Yesterday, Hubby and I had to do meet and greet.  I'm pretty good at making a fool out myself in front of people until you place a microphone in my hand.  That's when all goofy-ness flies out the window and I realize that people are paying attention to me.  Hubby.... Well, he's an awesome speaker... He just doesn't like to get up in front of people.  So here we both front of the church with A microphone.  (feeling my stress?)  The microphone wigs out.  You know the squeaky squealing thing it does??!?!  So after Hubby and I move all over the stage trying to find the perfect position so it would stop..... We give our welcome spiel and a plug for our small group.   Get this.  We're on our way off the stage and say Hi to #1 and he says..... 

"Ya'll  that was great!!  Next time though, let people know who you are. :)"


Friday, October 3, 2008

The Game.

Last night was tough for me.

I watched my son play a sport he has loved for years and he experienced what I would call one of him most difficult nights of his life.

He's been working really hard at winning a spot behind the batter.  His ultimate playing position would be catcher.  Last night, he was overly excited because he knew that he had 2 innings of playing his prized position.  Granted it was a team that his team had beat 18-0 and the coach was giving some of the "lesser-knowns" an opportunity to play in-field but, still.. in his mind, He was going to CATCH!

So he had some really great plays 
(He's in the red, I'm in the black holding my camera and my breath.  Thank Goodness for other parents!)

and then... 
then came the trials.

 The ball ended up in the dirt in front of him or behind him - thus causing stolen bases and scored runs.  In the bottom of the 2nd inning, the score was 0-5 ,them , there were 2 outs and Monster lost his treasured spot to the "more experienced player" as he and the pitcher were pulled.

You see, Monster has been told several times that it's most likely he won't be able to do what his dream is.  He won't be able to catch for a Professional Baseball team because he's too small, his arm isn't strong enough (yet), and lastly he's left handed.  Traditionally... left handers aren't behind the plate.  So, not getting to finish his first inning opportunity or be put back into the game for a second chance behind the plate crushed him.
So much in fact that his coach couldn't console him and called Hubby into the dugout to talk to him.
After Hubby talked to him, I went to give him a couple of pieces of gum and he was still trying to get his breathing straight.  
He was hurt.  
He was embarrassed. 
 He truly thought that the entire reason they were losing the game was because of his inability to do what he always wanted to do.

Me, being the strong parent that I am, had to hide my own tears as I faced my son to encourage him...
"Hey buddy, you okay?"
Sniff. Sniff. nod.
"Did you do your absolute best?"
Sniff. Sniff. nod.
"You know that is all we ever ask you to do, right?"
Sniff. Sniff. nod.
"You are the greatest son and I love you very much, You know that right?"
Sniff. Sniff. nod.
"Okay, here's your gum.  Keep doing your best! I love you!"
mumble, mumble.."You too, Mom"

He played his standard position of left field during the next inning and then it was his turn to bat.  This being a new league for him, he's been struggling on and off here as well.  It was 2 outs and he really didn't need another whammy against him.  
So here we sit.
Pitch.  Swing. Strike.
No Whammies, Please...No Whammies.
Pitch. Watch. Ball.
No Whammies, Please... No Whammies.
Pitch. Swing.....Crack!
He nailed it!  Made it to third base on errors AND  started the 7 run RALLY that won the game!!!!  

So...why did I type out all of this??!?!?
Two reasons.... 
#1.  To explain to Fuschia why I spent 15 seconds of our phone call screaming into the phone as my son, the greatest little league baseball player in my eyes, crossed the plate.
#2.  To say this.... How many times have you cried over that thing you KNOW you're supposed to do only to find out that you fail the first couple of times?  In the game of life, it's the entire GAME we're playing - not just that inning.  Which means top or bottom of whatever inning you're in....there will be some mistakes.  It's how you act after them that makes you the winner!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Felt like posting.

But, have no idea about what.

I'm blank - No alter egos, no random funnies, no complaints... I guess I just felt like typing.  

Filling in the void of blankness for today.  Interesting.  I do that in conversations.  I can't just let silence be.  In fact, when I attempt to do so Hubby thinks there is something wrong.  
"Be still."
Can I recommend being hogtied for that one, God?  I think it may be the only way.