Wednesday, August 6, 2008

...I'm alive...

For the record....

Yes, I'm alive.  My brain is about to explode but, I'm alive.

Yesterday was better than Monday.

I might  be able to say nice things about the week by Friday.

I'm still struggling with having the unbiased face in a room full of WAY biased people.  Some of the lessons are asking us for our opinions - I'm choosing to stay quiet.  More so for observing purposes but, also because of fear.  Yesterday we talked Presidential Candidates and Vice President options as well as debating the First Amendment.  Today we're actually going to the Supreme Court to watch peers argue the Fourth Amendment.

Off to get the kids up... 

2 creams and sugars:

Michelle @ Sew-Krafty said...

Oh girl, I'm off to pray for you!

Joanna said...

Good luck with that!