I did it!! I "woke" up to my 4:30 alarm and "snoozed" until 5 making it right on schedule!!! Eventually, I might push it back another 15 minutes but, I'm pretty proud of myself.
I am an early riser by nature. I also understand by Fuschia there is no air at this time and there are days where I would agree with her. But, I have to do this. This is the ONLY way I can get my entire day started and still have ME time. You know the time that us Mommies and Wives forget to take for us because we are sacrificially devoting all of our other time to those who need us.
My ME time is extremely important to me which is why I try so hard to get it. It is the time I can reflect (on the day ), exercise(ummm..or settle for another cup of coffee and reflect some more), and most importantly PRAY and STUDY my Bible. It's when I can talk with my Father and have those WOW or quiet moments about my attitude or just life in general.
I picked the morning for several reasons....
- Hubby is a night person. After the kiddos are asleep we have "us" time for couple prayer and moments of conversation. I can't focus (which is a good thing) on what I need to do for ME time when he's awake. We don't get to spend alot of time together so, I treasure the moments we can. Even if it's just sitting together in the office while we're working on separate things. We are spending time together. (It's one of his Love Languages as well... Quality Time)
- NOBODY is up this early. I won't get interrupting phone calls or kiddos. It's just me, God, my Bible and a cup of coffee. Sometimes there is soft music but, most times it's silent. It's amazing when you really ARE still.
- In my warped brain.... because NOBODY is up this early...I think - I have God's full attention. Wait. Stop. I know what you are thinking. I KNOW that he's focused on everyone at every time...I just enjoy having some Princess moments... even if it's only in my brain.
You see, I have a busy life (as do all 3 of my Bloggy Readers) and I enjoy every bit of it. Do I get stressed out?!! Absolutely! But, I'm restored every morning because I choose to spend that time with God and get a refreshing breath. I spend most of my day sending Popcorn prayers up. But, the morning is when I can settle down and just chit chat with a close and personal God.
This Sunday... RedDaddy preached on relationships. The one thing I know about relationships is that communication is needed. If there is no communication on a regular basis, your relationship (friendship, marriage, or work) will fall apart.
So take some ME time. Figure out what works for YOU! I know that early wake ups aren't for everyone. I'm married to one of those people. I also want to say this... use it WISELY. Don't use the extra hour to clean the kitchen that wasn't cleaned the night before. Have your ME time, check the chore chart and make that person get up early to finish THEIR chores after you've had some quiet time!
1 creams and sugars:
I think I need a Date Night with God.
ME time is absolutely essential...of course, so is air ;)
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