Friday, August 22, 2008

Syrupy Sweet.... **SEE EDIT**

We had a  four day week courtesy of Tropical Storm Fay and the county.

Sooo I'm spending today hanging out and catching up on work and housework.  Later, I'm taking Monster to Mimi's for a "slumber party" and then  Buggy and Hubby and I are on our way for pizza at friend's house to enjoy some fun times with them.

Overall it's been a pretty quiet day.  Lots of rain.  But quiet.

We all slept in and walked around in our PJs for as long as possible.  Buggy got up and  made waffles and took them into her room.  Which I'm okay with especially cause there wasn't any syrup on the plate when she walked out of the kitchen.  As the day progressed and the kiddos were working on their rooms I worked on the rest of the house and laundry.  I noticed Buggy carrying the waffle plate out of her room and this time it had syrup on it.

So I think to myself...Self?!?  When did she put syrup on the plate? and quickly fumble in the fridge for the syrup bottle...which isn't to be found.

Sprinting to her room, I ask... "Buggy.... Where is the syrup bottle?"
Her:  I put it up. (pause)
Me:  "Where EXACTLY did you put it?" (pause) (pause)
Her: (Shifty eyed shrug then she looks in her room and then at me and then back again... )
Me:  (insert "I'm not happy voice")  Buggy, You need to make the decision as to whether or not you are going to get in trouble for doing something wrong and telling the truth or doing something wrong and lying on top of it.
Her: (walks into her room, pulls syrup bottle from under her bed, and then hands it to me)
Me: WHY is the syrup bottle under your bed?!?! (Thank goodness it was still cold and it hadn't been there long)
Her:  I have this spot on my cheek and syrup makes it feel better!
Me:  Syrup is made of sugar and is not good for your skin.  It'll make it sticky.

So, I take the bottle, place it in the refrigerator and think... Could this be another miracle facial product?  AJ Syrup Light - The New Wrinkle product?  It'll stick the wrinkles together causing one smooth surface?

Naaaaaa... stick to what you told Buggy.  The mess isn't worth it!

****PART 2****

Hubby:  You smell different. What are you wearing?
Buggy:  I put hair stuff on my legs.  I want my leg hairs to grow.
Me:  What hair stuff?
Buggy: The stuff we use on my hair.
Me:  Will you bring it to me??
(exit Buggy)
Hubby:  (giggle...supressed laugh) You might want to start typing now.  (giggle) (trying to keep a straight face) AND let her know that girls don't want their leg hairs to grow.
(enter Buggy with bottle of hair stuff that she hands to me)
Me:  Honey, this is hair conditioner.  It's not going to help your hair grow, it's so you don't have tangles.
Buggy:  Oh.
Me:  Girls don't want their leg hairs to grow.  When you get older you'll have to shave your legs.
Buggy: Why?
Me:  It's just one of those things girls do.

2 creams and sugars:

Anonymous said...

That was even funnier than reading it on IM!

Joanna said...

Heehee!! Just don't let her wax, m'kay?