Monday, August 11, 2008

School Year 2008-2009

...Starts today for teachers.

1.  I've already "misplaced" several items - including my 4 GB Flash drive purchased especially for this year!
2.  My room isn't finished.
3. I'll be in meetings all day.
4.  My kiddos will be ruling the school with other kiddos from other teachers from the school.

Starting Chaos on the right foot... Don't you think?!?!
Wanna know the weird part?  
I'm in a very peaceful mood.
No stress.  No bitterness.
Yup.  This is the stuff I'm supposed to be doing.

2 creams and sugars:

Anonymous said...

Nobody likes a bragger. :) Oh - and I went shopping specifically looking for blue Yellowboxes (among other things) and couldn't find ANY of them ANYWHERE!! Guess that means I'll be forced to head back to Tally even more than I thought...

Profesora de español said...

You've got the chaos under your belt. I hope you've also had tons of coffee!