Sunday, August 24, 2008

..And the laughs keep coming!!

Friday night... Monster spent the night with Mimi during Tropical Storm winds with two of his buddies.  Buggy, Hubby, and I went to some friends house, played cards, went down memory lane of old improv skits from Carol Burnett and random excerpts from old tv shows like Perfect Strangers.

Once we got home, Buggy went to sleep, I fiddled on the computer and started to become a pumpkin at the raw hour of 12.  At that point, I went to sleep.   Around 2:30, I strongly suggested to Hubby that it would be wise to go to sleep as well and he climbed in to bed...and then he jumped out!

..Okay, I'm 1/2 asleep as he turns on the lights and is frantically claiming that there is something on our bed.  (insert I've been in a dead sleep for 2.5 hours with whatever is IN our bed and know Nothing)  I jump out of bed and make it between our bed and the office.  Then Hubby proceeds to lift the bedsheet and backs up 18 feet to the wall as some pretty frightened words come out of his mouth reaching a PG-13 rating.  After the confusion settles, I translate his words into understanding that there is a large furry spider of about 2.5 inches under our bedsheet.
....for the record.... there are few things that Hubby and I completely are alike on.  We like the same mayonnaise AND we're both seriously afraid of Spiders.  Especially big, furry ones of gigantic proportion at 2:30 in the morning, IN our bed.
So.. I back up even further into the office and he's stuck alone with the spider which is on his side of the bed.  He's holding a lap desk over his head trying to figure out if he should smush the eight-legged creature into the mattress or get it out from under the bed sheet and then smush it.  I -now in a fully awake mode and thinking somewhat clearly state- If YOU scoot it out then it's on the floor and YOU have to chase it. (I'm practically standing on my desk chair.)
Hubby then decides to go into the garage and pick up a giant rubbermaid container so that he can scoop the thingy into the container and suffocate it or whatever.  Leaving me ALONE with the furry creepy crawly creature.  My Hero.
At this point my memory kicks in and catches up to my heart beat.  Early during the day Monster was sneaking around in our bedroom.  I normally catch him at the point he's leaving the room or right before he scares me.  I also vaguely remember him placing a 2.5 inch furry like plastic spider in Buggy's doorway to "scare" her which she promptly chucked across the hall back into his room....At this point.... I start to giggle.
Enter Hubby with giant 80 gallon rubbermaid container and lid.  He then lifts up the bed sheet and gets closer.  That's when we figure out that our 10 year old has a sense of humor and evil planning skills.
I'm laughing hysterically at this point and Hubby is positive that I deserve an Emmy for my performance since I was obviously in on the joke.  (Me... at 2:30 in the morning... joking....Puh-Lease)

Needless to say... the joke was on us.

3 creams and sugars:

Profesora de español said...

LOL. Wow. Better you than me. I would've been screaming.

Joanna said...

I would be planning some serious revenge on the kid. :)

Alicia Hall said...