Monday, December 29, 2008

The Invisible List

I hate it!!  It'll be the death of me, I'm sure!!

I should probably explain it a little before you think I've gone of the deep end yet another time.

When I look around my house and my life, I have this invisible list that is calling out of things to do.  The things that I need to do, want to do, and simply HAVE to do.  It's constantly growing and it seems that every time I cross one of the things off... I add four - five more things.  

The list is invisible because I'm afraid to write the things down.  That and by the time I reach number 3, I've overwhelmed myself so much, I've forgotten what I was writing next and why I was writing them.  The problem is... I have a very good ability of not letting the list get to me... UNLESS, I'm at  home staring the stupid thing in the face.  So, if I'm out and about and causing chaos in other's worlds... then my invisible list is put off another day and I don't have to worry about it.  

Now... the invisible list is only important to moi.  Hubby thinks I've gone off the deep end because I keep referring to "the List" and he can't find it.  Friends are saying "RELAX" (A common comment for Rho's truly)and while they understand and help with the prioritizing, I'm adding another thing on my list as a creative way to thank them for putting up with another crazy moment - not because I have to but because of the way of Rho.

I just CAN'T be in my house without thinking of the closets to be organized, the garage to be de-cluttered, and the random arts/crafts projects that I have started or want to start.  Combine that with the every growing laundry, the domestic every day duties, and making sure my kiddos don't force cruel and unusual punishment on each other - Then the wish list of starting a new book and spending all day catching up on the blog titles that I've got floating in my brain. You can see the list growing.....and I haven't even started the self-help section. 

Part of me wants to look at the Proverbs 31 woman , shake my finger at her and shout "YOU!!!!!"  But, then my brain takes over and realizes she wasn't real to begin with so why am I trying so hard?  I need the qualities... not the quantities.  Ya know?!?!  

1 creams and sugars:

Fuschia said...

Yep, I do know! All too well.