Friday, December 12, 2008

Emergency Prayer Update - PRAISE!!

I met up with my friend from college yesterday. She was leaving the hospital as I was going in to visit my MIL.
Her husband is out of ICU. He's made great progress but, there is still alot of concern. Please, please, keep him on your prayer list! Thank you for your prayers.

Jojo... The most gorgeous couple in the world.... you know the professional dancers!??!? Yeah... they'll be starting new classes in June of '09.

Michelle... Thank you for all you do! Your support, encouragement, and advice helps me more than you know. Thank you so much for letting me borrow your time on Wednesday!

2 creams and sugars:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear he's doing better...they're both in my thoughts!!!

New classes????? If they really loved me, it would be new classes in Austin.

What's goin' on with Von? Tell her I'm thinking of her too.

Fuschia said...

Are you talkin' ta me?

I'm still trying to decide if you brought over that toffee because you love me or hate me...