Saturday, June 14, 2008

Father's Day - A Day to Honor

Honor - to regard or treat with honor, esteem, or respect; to revere; to treat with deference and submission; when used of the Supreme Being, to reverence; to adore; to worship.

We've been celebrating Father's Day since last weekend when our baseball team made it into the Super Regionals (and play at 2:00 today in the Series).  That's what Hubby's gift was.  Sure, tomorrow he'll receive his steak dinner, cards, and complete control of the remote.  

I'm starting to think that there's a little bit more to this day than gifts and remote controls. (Seriously... it's not THAT new to me..I'm just seeing a new light)  

Yesterday, I did a quick post about some frustrations that I had.  Obviously, if you did the math...a knew the kiddos didn't arrive back until yesterday afternoon, you'd've known that Hubby was the cause of my frustration.  I was miffed because of the fact that he totally wasn't speaking MY language.  Love Language that is.  I think there are 5 of them - Acts of Service, Gifts, Quality Time, Physical Touch, and Words of Encouragement.  I know that Hubby and I are complete opposites in our list.  Which basically means,  we hardly ever understand each other and get along perfectly happy.  Most of the time.  Especially when we type it out for the entire blog world to read, discuss with emphasis, or just have a conversation face to face. 
 You do realize that we aren't supposed to be perfect.  Right?!
Stay with me.  There's a method to my madness.

So, seeing the list of languages in the order above and knowing from yesterday's post that my number one language is Acts of Service AND knowing that Hubby's languages are completely opposite than mine.  You can see that Hubby's #1 Love Language is Words of Encouragement.  Before you beat me down.  There is a difference between (ahem...) intimacy and the definition of Physical Touch.  Stay on topic.  Sooo.. yesterday's post totally did NOT do what I'm trying to type about - and that my friends is where I'm going.  These words are not words we should wait once a year to give our Fathers and Husbands these things should be shared daily.

Honoring Our Fathers

To My Heavenly Father.  A father that gave his child so that the rest of us may have life.  A father that protects, loves, cherishes, and guides during all phases of life.  A sweet spirit of gentleness and peace that covers us in times of need.  I love you.

To My  Husband:  A protector of family and city making sure that our town is safe for all who live here.  A wonderful man who understands that I miss the mark quite often. An extremely patient father with our children.  A forgiving man in a time of crisis.  I'm so in love with you!!  Thank you for being patient with me, loving me, and all of mushy-gushy things you'd be embarrassed about if I shared.  I love you.

To My Earthly Father:  A veteran of the Air Force who sacrificed time with your family in order to maintain the freedom we have all grown to cherish.  The man who could snap his fingers and have the world change in that exact moment (Sis and I would move quicker than light to make sure it happened).  The gentleman that asked "Are you sure??"  before walking me down the aisle and giving me away.  You always had my best interests at heart and never said "I told you so."  I love you.

These are the three most important men in my life.  All of which have had enormous impact on me at some point or even right now.   

1 creams and sugars:

Alicia Hall said...

Laughing hysterically that you took a love song and made it something quite the opposite. I did love the Cuando connection though. It made me smile and that's always a needed element in my life.