Thursday, June 19, 2008


Okay. Okay. 

So I TOTALLY realize I've been up and down lately with my attitude.  I'm trying to figure out that reason but know this.... I am human.  I'm not perfect. and I'm far from positive ALL the time.  Let's just pretend that I have bad days as often as you do.  ('cause in the House of Rho... I'm pretty sure they are more frequent)  I TRY to be positive about most of the random events.  Whether that  means I'm positive that they were negative or find a sparkle of light at the end of the tunnel depends on if it's a good hair day or not.  (KIDDING!)

That being said... God is showing me some things.  He's showing me about the details.  For my Bloggy Buddies here in the Shoppingdom... you know that is a particular something I tend to avoid--like the plague.  My thoughts are... Why bother with details??!  They figure it out themselves.  However.... I'm finding if I notice the details... things work like they should.  Confused?  I'll give you an example.

I'm Zumba-ing quite frequently.  (See Weight-loss blogs located on the left -pardon the plug)  So much in fact, it's almost ingrained into my daily schedule (say it with an English accent it makes me sound more important)  So, yesterday... I was focusing on the Sculpting and Toning video while Zumba-ing and low and behold... I noticed something.  My feet were NOT placed the same way theirs were.  This could be due to the fact that I a) opted NOT to go through the basics (who needs that?) or b) figured I knew how to lunge anyways why notice this.  So, I decided that I'd move my feet like theirs and do my lunges like them.  Guess what?!?!?! I HURT in places I'm supposed to!  Oh. My. Goodness.  Do I EVER HURT!  But, the "problem" areas that I moaned and groaned about yesterday because the measurements didn't quite add up..... (Ahem.) were because (swallowing crow) I hadn't paid attention to the details.

I got one more.. this is a little more positive.

We had an AMAZING youth service last night.  For some additional info go here.  There was a song during worship that opened my eyes and I started noticing details.  It's called You are Good.  The sermon was on family and becoming doers of the word.  In order to become a doer of the word... you kinda need the details.  You know the ones IN the word.  Read James 1:22-25.  Particularly about knowing the word, but not doing it.

How can you forget what you look like?  When I think of looking in a mirror, I'm paying attention to the details.  Hair, wrinkles, curves that shouldn't be there.  Then I spend the rest of the day thinking about how I'm going to deal with THOSE details.  If I forget what I look like, I lose my details.  I lose my reasons for doing what I do.  I lose my purpose.  

So...(follow me.. I'm almost to the point) IF I know the word and am a doer of the word then I can keep up with my details of LIFE.  The ones that keep me positive.  The ones that show me love.  The ones that show me protection.  Mainly my directions that come from God.  You know the ones I'm talking about.   The ones in the book that is my foundation. My B-I-B-L-E (yes, Bloggy Buddies... I sang it while I typed).

I leave you with the words from the song that opened my eyes to the details. The small details that the Lord wants us to recognize.  The details I'm too busy to notice.  The ones that make things go the way they should.  Here's a small excerpt about the writer's details while she was writing this.
Your kindness leads me to repentance.
Your goodness draws me to my knees.
Your mercy calls me to be like you.
Your favor is my delight.

Every day I'll awaken my praise
  and pour out a song from my heart

You are good, you are good, you are good
and your mercy is forever.
You are good, you are good, you are good,
and your mercy is forever
You are Good, written by Kari Jobe

0 creams and sugars: