Friday, June 20, 2008

Heads Up!!!

This is my last post until I return from Ecuador.

I will be fasting television and computer tomorrow as well as spending time with the kiddos before we leave.

We will be leaving at 9:00 in the morning on Sunday.  Please keep the 13 of us in prayer.


Thursday, June 19, 2008


Okay. Okay. 

So I TOTALLY realize I've been up and down lately with my attitude.  I'm trying to figure out that reason but know this.... I am human.  I'm not perfect. and I'm far from positive ALL the time.  Let's just pretend that I have bad days as often as you do.  ('cause in the House of Rho... I'm pretty sure they are more frequent)  I TRY to be positive about most of the random events.  Whether that  means I'm positive that they were negative or find a sparkle of light at the end of the tunnel depends on if it's a good hair day or not.  (KIDDING!)

That being said... God is showing me some things.  He's showing me about the details.  For my Bloggy Buddies here in the Shoppingdom... you know that is a particular something I tend to avoid--like the plague.  My thoughts are... Why bother with details??!  They figure it out themselves.  However.... I'm finding if I notice the details... things work like they should.  Confused?  I'll give you an example.

I'm Zumba-ing quite frequently.  (See Weight-loss blogs located on the left -pardon the plug)  So much in fact, it's almost ingrained into my daily schedule (say it with an English accent it makes me sound more important)  So, yesterday... I was focusing on the Sculpting and Toning video while Zumba-ing and low and behold... I noticed something.  My feet were NOT placed the same way theirs were.  This could be due to the fact that I a) opted NOT to go through the basics (who needs that?) or b) figured I knew how to lunge anyways why notice this.  So, I decided that I'd move my feet like theirs and do my lunges like them.  Guess what?!?!?! I HURT in places I'm supposed to!  Oh. My. Goodness.  Do I EVER HURT!  But, the "problem" areas that I moaned and groaned about yesterday because the measurements didn't quite add up..... (Ahem.) were because (swallowing crow) I hadn't paid attention to the details.

I got one more.. this is a little more positive.

We had an AMAZING youth service last night.  For some additional info go here.  There was a song during worship that opened my eyes and I started noticing details.  It's called You are Good.  The sermon was on family and becoming doers of the word.  In order to become a doer of the word... you kinda need the details.  You know the ones IN the word.  Read James 1:22-25.  Particularly about knowing the word, but not doing it.

How can you forget what you look like?  When I think of looking in a mirror, I'm paying attention to the details.  Hair, wrinkles, curves that shouldn't be there.  Then I spend the rest of the day thinking about how I'm going to deal with THOSE details.  If I forget what I look like, I lose my details.  I lose my reasons for doing what I do.  I lose my purpose.  

So...(follow me.. I'm almost to the point) IF I know the word and am a doer of the word then I can keep up with my details of LIFE.  The ones that keep me positive.  The ones that show me love.  The ones that show me protection.  Mainly my directions that come from God.  You know the ones I'm talking about.   The ones in the book that is my foundation. My B-I-B-L-E (yes, Bloggy Buddies... I sang it while I typed).

I leave you with the words from the song that opened my eyes to the details. The small details that the Lord wants us to recognize.  The details I'm too busy to notice.  The ones that make things go the way they should.  Here's a small excerpt about the writer's details while she was writing this.
Your kindness leads me to repentance.
Your goodness draws me to my knees.
Your mercy calls me to be like you.
Your favor is my delight.

Every day I'll awaken my praise
  and pour out a song from my heart

You are good, you are good, you are good
and your mercy is forever.
You are good, you are good, you are good,
and your mercy is forever
You are Good, written by Kari Jobe

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Weigh-in Wednesday - Part 4

Sniff. Sniff.

Nothing.  Absolutely Nothing.

I'm disappointed, frustrated, and all together just numb.  I working my tail off and I got nothing.  I can't measure well so, I'm up, down, and just plain weird in my measurements.  I don't know what to do.  My next step is to start journaling what I eat.  I guess.  Maybe I'm not eating enough.  Maybe I'm eating too much.  Maybe I don't have enough water intake.  I don't know.  

Hubby is trying to be encouraging and things are moving.  It's just it's not a noticeable change (in my eyes or clothes)  I went with a friend yesterday to cruise the mall while the kids were at their morning camp.  No change in size.  Nothing wowed me - that was on me.

My dream right now is that while I'm in Ecuador, it'll be enough culture change that my body will freak out, move to the right places over night, and I'll be more positive about this exercising stuff.  Don't get me wrong.  I still LOVE my Zumba.  I just don't like the sweating part (which I do EVERYTIME I work out)  I'm on a rotation of Zumba-ing for 3 days and resting for 1.  THEN... because I'm working on being healthier... I'm "watching" what I eat (although, it's probably NOT close enough) AND I'm still STARVING!

I'm participating in a Summer Moms Bible study.  We're doing Victoriously Frazzled Female.  It's a play group that we have through the church and we thought it would give us something to talk about other than school stuff.  (A good bit of us are teachers)  The Relax in the Word part is to read Psalm 139.  It tells me I'm fearfully and wonderfully made.  
I'm struggling with that. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Yes... I'm alive.

I've been dragging my feet on the creative side lately. 

Not to mention I'm dragging kids up and down a certain canopy road due to a camp schedule during the morning.  Our afternoons have been rather sweet and relaxing with the exception of a stupid baseball game that was lost because we couldn't figure out how to run over home plate.

I've been working really hard in Laundrydom.  It because I'm going away on a new journey.  One that will result in great rewards for my emotional state.  I'm leaving for Ecuador on Sunday.  I'll be gone for 7 days working with our Missions group in different villages.  I'm pretty sure there will be no updating the blog but, look for pictures when I get back.  

Hubby and I are going with our youth.  We'll be working with children and have an opportunity to run some youth services as well.  I can't tell you how excited I am!!  

Please be in prayer for our group while we are gone.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

My new favorite phrase.

This came from my 23 month old niece who was hang'n out at Nana's and HAD to call Aunt Rho Rho.

Her :  "La-lou Woah Woah"

Me:  "I love you, Liva Lou."

Yeah.  Life is good.

Father's Day - A Day to Honor

Honor - to regard or treat with honor, esteem, or respect; to revere; to treat with deference and submission; when used of the Supreme Being, to reverence; to adore; to worship.

We've been celebrating Father's Day since last weekend when our baseball team made it into the Super Regionals (and play at 2:00 today in the Series).  That's what Hubby's gift was.  Sure, tomorrow he'll receive his steak dinner, cards, and complete control of the remote.  

I'm starting to think that there's a little bit more to this day than gifts and remote controls. (Seriously... it's not THAT new to me..I'm just seeing a new light)  

Yesterday, I did a quick post about some frustrations that I had.  Obviously, if you did the math...a knew the kiddos didn't arrive back until yesterday afternoon, you'd've known that Hubby was the cause of my frustration.  I was miffed because of the fact that he totally wasn't speaking MY language.  Love Language that is.  I think there are 5 of them - Acts of Service, Gifts, Quality Time, Physical Touch, and Words of Encouragement.  I know that Hubby and I are complete opposites in our list.  Which basically means,  we hardly ever understand each other and get along perfectly happy.  Most of the time.  Especially when we type it out for the entire blog world to read, discuss with emphasis, or just have a conversation face to face. 
 You do realize that we aren't supposed to be perfect.  Right?!
Stay with me.  There's a method to my madness.

So, seeing the list of languages in the order above and knowing from yesterday's post that my number one language is Acts of Service AND knowing that Hubby's languages are completely opposite than mine.  You can see that Hubby's #1 Love Language is Words of Encouragement.  Before you beat me down.  There is a difference between (ahem...) intimacy and the definition of Physical Touch.  Stay on topic.  Sooo.. yesterday's post totally did NOT do what I'm trying to type about - and that my friends is where I'm going.  These words are not words we should wait once a year to give our Fathers and Husbands these things should be shared daily.

Honoring Our Fathers

To My Heavenly Father.  A father that gave his child so that the rest of us may have life.  A father that protects, loves, cherishes, and guides during all phases of life.  A sweet spirit of gentleness and peace that covers us in times of need.  I love you.

To My  Husband:  A protector of family and city making sure that our town is safe for all who live here.  A wonderful man who understands that I miss the mark quite often. An extremely patient father with our children.  A forgiving man in a time of crisis.  I'm so in love with you!!  Thank you for being patient with me, loving me, and all of mushy-gushy things you'd be embarrassed about if I shared.  I love you.

To My Earthly Father:  A veteran of the Air Force who sacrificed time with your family in order to maintain the freedom we have all grown to cherish.  The man who could snap his fingers and have the world change in that exact moment (Sis and I would move quicker than light to make sure it happened).  The gentleman that asked "Are you sure??"  before walking me down the aisle and giving me away.  You always had my best interests at heart and never said "I told you so."  I love you.

These are the three most important men in my life.  All of which have had enormous impact on me at some point or even right now.   

Friday, June 13, 2008



When someone says... I'll do it.  Then hours later says.... I'll do it in the morning.  Then, morning comes and they say (when reminded--again).....I did everything ELSE!  This is not very taxing. (as they complete the chore)

It totally burns me.

#1 Love Language in my book?!?!!?  You got it! Acts of Service.  So it's how you are telling me you love me.  I'm being partly overdramatic at this point.  Read on, find humor, take it with a grain of salt, but know I'm hurt.

1.  "Sure, I'll do it. (Smiling)" means in MY mind... I'll walk through desert and hurricanes to make sure it happens because you are THE #1 person in my life.

2.  "I'll do it in the morning."" means in MY mind... Too busy tonight for you.  But, I'll make time tomorrow.  Promise. (Bump me down to #6 or 7 in your life)

3.  "I did everything ELSE!  This is not very taxing."  means in MY mind...(Stomp. Stomp. Squish)  I got better things to do.  (Bottom of the barrel, Girl, bottom of the barrel.)

So here I sit, steaming next to my piping hot coffee with an extra splash of cinnamon bun creamer (NOT sugar free) listening to my new favorite find of music (thankyouverymuch ALICIA!)- Michael Buble singing "Tell me Quando, Quando, Quando......."  Which means...."WHEN?, WHEN?, WHEN?"  Granted, he's crooning over something else but, still....the Quando part is sticking in my brain.

I'm over it.  I feel much better.  Thanks for listening.
Off for the 2nd cup.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Oh. My. Goodness.  
The giveaway of all giveaways is listed here.  
Go here.  Add a comment.  Leave your e-mail address.  Then all you have to do is wait & hope the random drawing includes your name!  
It's that easy!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Weigh-in Wednesday - Part 3

 As you can tell from the ticker on the side... the weight-loss thingy isn't working so hot.  The loss posted today was .4 lbs.  **Sigh**

The good side is that I neglected to post the amount of weight I went up last week so.. I may have technically lost some pounds.

 I'm trying to find the happy balance of food to exercise ratio.  I'm STARVING.  All the time.  Not because I'm not eating.  I'm just trying to find the perfect amount.   I did figure out that eating a Reese's peanutbutter cup after Zumba-ing is not the right thing.  

But, take yesterday...  I had a Slim-fast meal bar , strawberries, carrots, 90 calorie granola bar, and then topped it off with an english muffin with peanutbutter before the hunger growls quieted down for dinner.  I was drinking close to 60 ounces of water in there as well.  I know I need to throw breakfast in there somehow.  I'm perfectly content with my 2 cups of coffee, though.  Apparently- this particular liquid breakfast -ALONE- is not ideal.  EVEN if you use artifical sweetner and sugar free creamer.  So, I'm working on that.  (went to kitchen to grab a meal-on-the-go bar)

This whole weight loss thing is a baby step process.  Part 1 - Added Veggies, Part 2 - Added Zumba, Part 3 - Adding Breakfast.

The good news in this post...

I have lost about 4 inches around my body since the Zumba DVD's have arrived on my front door step!!! 

I will let all skeptical people know that, I did the measuring myself.  So, they all aren't completely accurate as in the places I'm measuring.  BUT, I'm remeasuring the inaccurate spots as best as I can so... that's a consistent measurement??!!  Right?!  

Did I lose the pants size?!  I'm going to say yes, even though I'm wearing the same pants.  They fit SOOO much better and I'm not squeezing myself into them and praying for the stretch fabric to instantly realize that I need the extra material.
And so... today is my "rest day" and that's what I'll do.  I'm going to go work on closets - maybe.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Buggy!!!

Happy Birthday Princess Buggy!!

Seven years ago, I held you in my hands for the first time.  You had a head full of hair and the sweetest spirit.  Today, as I look back at the years and how much you've grown up.  You haven't changed your spirit or lost a bit of hair - regardless of the amount of times you cut it.

You always find time to stop and smell the flowers, finding good in the smallest things, and keep all of us on our toes because of the way you look at things.  God has wonderful plans for you!!

You have an amazing sense of power for how petite you are.  The strength you have on the inside and the outside is proof of the mountains you will conquer. 

I love you, Buggy!!!
Happy Birthday!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Mixed Feelings.

Today is one of those milestone days.  The ones that you look forward to and don't look forward to at the same time.  

(enter wailing trumpet at slow speed)

Both of my children are leaving for Church Camp this morning at 10.

My baby is old enough this year.  Not to mention she'll turn 7 tomorrow.  So, we'll be missing her birthday.  I've got a mini party planned and I made sure that EVERYONE knows it'll be her birthday.  

I just don't know where all the time has gone.

That actually goes for both of my children.  My oldest reaches double digits this year.  I almost broke down when we had to start buying hygiene products and face wash.

***sad sigh***

On the other hand.......

(cue calypso type music)

Hubby and I have 5 days, 4 nights together! -ALONE-  It's like a cruise without water and we don't have to deal with soft pillows!!!  Granted there's no cabana boys or cabin stewards to grant our every need...but, STILL!!

(fading of music)
See where the problem is??!?!  Am I seeing a glimpse of the future as my children are old enough on their own?  I know I've already typed this but...... I don't know where the time has gone.  We really do only have our children for a short time.  Treasure every laugh, giggle, and argument.  

I need to get ready to get the kiddos ready.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Lesson on Forgiveness

If you remember I was asking for Prayers last week for an event that happened last night.  

I'm happy to say that nothing happened last night.  When I say nothing, I mean that basically ---- we were in the same room together (which hasn't happened in four years).  She didn't acknowledge me, speak to me, or look at me.  But, it's in a step of progress that I was invited and that she stayed in the room while I was there.  At one point we had a "group" conversation filled with memories and I gave some brief input, which she did, after pausing, acknowledge.  There was also another point when I had to ask her specifically when they were leaving, and she answered that quite frustrated-ingly but, she answered it.  

It's a God thing.  I realize it.  He's handling it in his timing, not mine.  I also realized last night, there is a lesson to be learned here.  Actually, there is quite a few.  **Warning** Random thoughts and topics ahead.

1.  God's timing - Is when He knows we are ready, regardless if we think we are.  
Last night was something I've been waiting for and thought I was prepared for 3.5 years.  I realize now that it's taken me that long to learn where I get my strength from, when I should call out for him, and ask others to help.  The event placed several of my friends in the same place to support me.  I also know that his timing is different for everyone. 

Remember I said I was an "otter"?   That's a personality thing, I'm outgoing by nature and prefer to have good times and make sure that everyone else is too.  I also do things at full speed and forget that others don't.  God is doing baby steps for all of the people involved.  My heart is telling me this is because at some points, I need to slow down and for others.... that's how they are prepared to handle it.  

2.  East to West -  That's how far the sin is cast. (Psalm 103:12)  
Because we are human, I think we forget that.  I saw first hand last night how God demonstrates his healing and forgiveness.  My husband was able to go up to a person who had hurt him deeply, hug them, and tell them he loved them.  Here I was, dealing in my own puddle of hurt because of someone who wouldn't acknowledge me - yet Hubby was overcoming the same thing and casting out all of his hurts.  How different we learn!! 

Guess what that taught me!??!  It's not my place to stay in the puddle.  I have to cast out my hurt, I have to wait on her timing(which is ultimately God's), and  I need to love her as Christ loves me.  I know that I've asked forgiveness, that ball is in her court.  It's just time for me to stop acting like the grounded child being angry at waiting.

3.  My God is Good!  ALL the TIME!!
Over all, I had a pleasant night.  We were celebrating a marriage that has lasted for 40 years and has MANY more to come!  Great lessons, pictures, and memories were shared last night to a room full of family and friends.  The people we were honoring were truly blessed by the friends and family that were present.  God was sprinkling moments and memories for us all to learn from - and a good bit of us noticed.

Thank you, Father, for being real to me.  Thank you for always being there.  Thank you for giving me strength and courage as you voiced it.  I continue to ask for healing, in your time.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Love it!!

Okay... I promise the new do will wear off soon BUT, I got up, showered & styled in less than an hour!!  

Can you imagine?!?!?  Once the style is second nature... I might be able to get up a little later. *sigh*

Oh!! and the bestest part?!!?!?  I only had the hair dryer on for like 8 minutes!  As opposed to the 20-30 minute use with the previous length.  Yes.  That much hair and I normally had to re-dry it because I missed a spot.

Off to a meeting.. more later!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Decision Made

The Goddess spoke and the decision was....

pause. pause. pause.
(still waiting)

To CUT!!!
(see pictures below!)

Cut or Not to Cut...

I get to visit the Hair Goddess today!!!  Problem is that.... well... I don't know what I'm going to do.

This is not a rare thing but, I'm seriously considering cutting it off.  I mean... ALL off...which for me is a lot of hair.  Not because it's long but because I have a lot of hair!!!!

Problems with cutting it short:
  • I don't want my face to look plump.
  • I need low maintenance.
  • I need at least 3 different ways to style it so that it'll fit my mood.
  • It takes forever to grow back out and lets not forget the awkward stages as well.  (Although with the Hair Goddess those are few and far between and normally when  I'm waiting for the budget to catch up to me)
  • I'm going to Ecuador and need a way to make sure I can stay cool.  Obviously with short hair it can't be in the tickle the back of my neck stage.
Problems with keeping it longer:
  • It's not long enough to pull up without putting multiple pins and holders in it.  (I have a TON of layers due to the fact my hair is super thick)
  • I'm getting tired of "flipping" it out.
I've been looking at Mariska Hargitay's hair from Law & Order: SVU.  I just don't know.  

I'm going to talk to the Goddess and perhaps she'll have a secret hair style for me.  Off to visit her now!

Oh! Oh! OH!!!!  I stayed up until 1:30 last night to finish a book that I've been waiting a WHOLE year to read!!!

If you have never, ever read any of Deeanne Gist's books.  I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you go to the nearest bookstore, library, or printer and get one.  Her newest Deep in the Heart of Trouble was super good.  It is a continuation of Courting Trouble that was released last June.  Every time I had marked the chapter I needed to stop at so I could get to sleep my heart was broken and I needed to read on so that it would be fixed; there was some sort of suspense, laughter, that couldn't wait OR a lesson being learned and God was present in the solution.  My absolute favorite of hers  is The Measure of a Lady.  Seriously though?  ALL of them ARE WORTH READING MORE THAN ONCE!!!!  Yeah.  that's how good they are!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Just because...

I totally didn't think this post went together with weight-loss and creatively couldn't put the two together so you get two posts today!!!!

We've been scouring this city for 2.5 weeks for a Mario Kart game for our Wii.  My mother was sweet enough to volunteer to purchase the game IF we found it.  Needless to say, we fell on it yesterday as we walked into one of the gaming shops out of the pure fun of trying to locate it (it's become a game in itself for Hubby and I) and found the very last copy of the 4 that came in that day.  We also found out that at this particular shop-- you can reserve newly coming out games like Rockstar and Guitar Hero (for Wii) with a small deposit that goes completely towards the game no extra fee included and they HOLD your game for you on the day they are released.  So you aren't in the super long lines of waiting and hoping or scouring the town for 2.5 weeks looking for it.

Before anyone freaks out or lectures me on outside play versus video games.

 The Wii is OUR family time.  We laugh, giggle, and SPEND TIME TOGETHER while playing it.  Both of my children are extremely active outside and inside.  I'm also finding that there are some HUGE learning moments on sharing, sportsmanship, and overall attitude.  We are a technology based family.  Both of my children thrive in learning through technology.  I'm not making excuses or justifying the fact that we own the Wii.  I'm simply explaining to those who are against it that this is what works for my family time.

So as we are playing this last night and laughing uncontrollably at the lack of driving skills we all have in my family.  I was mentally jotting down some quotes from my children.

6 year old,  Buggy
 "Oh, No, you di-ent"
"Peach!! What are you doing?!?!?!"  (She's driving... Peach)

9 year old, Monster
"Wh..What??!?!  You can't just bump me!"
"I'm in 3rd! I'm in 3rd! Daaaaaad!!! NO FAIR!!!!!"

"How can someone hit me?!?!  There's NO ONE behind me!!"
"Where's the oil coming from??"
"What on earth?!  I was in 3rd!  Monster how'd you put me in 10th?"

"Why do I keep falling off?"
"I can't see!!  What's the deal?!?!"

We're off to the pool!!! Have a wonderful day!


Weigh-in Wednesday - Part 2

2nd Wednesday in the quest for a new wardrobe.

I'm sad to say that I won't be changing my ticker.  I haven't lost any pounds this week.  I am a little sad about this but, I'm not discouraged.  A couple of things have changed this week.

1.  I started Zumba-ing.  
Adding exercise into the mix normally has you go up in weight the first week.  (At least this is what "the Watchers" told me 5 years ago when I decided to stop paying for the meetings.)  Something about water retention and muscle mass and shocking the daylights out of your body. 
2.  Speaking of water retention.
Need I say more?
3.  I just changed out all of the quick snacks for healthier choices.
Granted the healthier ones are still next to the hidden double stuffed oreos and M & M's but, I'm opting more for the healthier ones.  But, I'm on day 2 of that.  Remember last weigh in I was working on adding veggies in.  Now I have a large selection of fruits, veggies, and as my buddy Fuschia says "Delicious Shakes"  to help curb the huge appetite!  Which on a side note....  I'm amazingly hungrier after I zumba!  So I down  water like it's going out of style but still... We're talking STARVING!  Yesterday I had a couple of carrots to calm that down.

I'm still in love with my Zumba.  I decided to measure myself this morning.  There probably are some small discrepancies on the plus or minus side but, Oh! Well!  I also should've done that before the zumba craze but, Oh! Well!  (I'm in the summer attitude)  On the brighter side... things are fitting a little bit better.  So something is working.  It might be that my muscles are so tight that they seem slimmer but at this point any type of encouragement will work!

Today is my day of rest for the Zumba plan.  I soooo want to go and do a tape.  I'm going to follow the plan though.  The recommendation on the "plan" is for me to the spa or hot tub.  I'm taking the kids to Aunt D's pool.  That's close enough... Don't you think?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A tough weekend..... coming up.  

I'm realizing now that I'm going to need all of the prayers I can get so please, please, PLEASE!  put me on your prayer list.

The very short version...

I'll be in a room with someone who won't forgive me.  It's been 4 years.  This person hasn't acknowledged me at all and barely recognizes my children and Hubby.  She's related to Hubby and you can only imagine the stress this has put on his family.

God has done amazing things in my life.  He has placed my family and myself out of  town during her visits or unavailable.  My guess is that he's decided it's time...and I'm okay with that.  But, there is a nervousness there.  The case of the unexpected.  I'm an "otter" by nature but, stress puts me in a "lion" state.  

I'm carrying bible verses with me - Philippians 4:6 & Matthew 6:34

Keep me in your prayers.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


It's here!!! It's here!!!

I opened the box yesterday!  

........Of 'course I couldn't go right out and exercise because our DVD player broke while we had the Indiana Jones marathon over Memorial Day.  So... after our many parties and meeting yesterday, we went to Target and then Wal-mart to purchase a new player (unplanned but, in the budget) so that I could ZUMBA!

While at Wal-mart I celebrated the new DVD set by purchasing a new Zumba outfit!  (A girl has to be stylish...even if it's workout clothes.)  So, last night while watching Hubby hook up the new player, I was dressed and ready to Zumba.  I did the 20 minute speed workout... Just a couple of things...

#1.  I've never had more fun in my life!  Granted first workout  means I wasn't hurting so I'm sure that might wear off.
#2.  I laughed.  Seriously - LAUGHED!!! While exercising... That's how much fun I was having.  Oh... and close friends--  We all know how Queen Rho feels about sweating, glistening, or whatever word is proper.  I, Queen Rho, not only laughed hysterically while EXERCISING.... I was also SWEATING!  No other prissy word would do.  
#3.  I am not as cute as the size  zero instructors that are on the tv.  I certainly can not move like they do.. and perhaps that's why I was laughing sooo hard.  However... if I end up with an inkling of abs like the size zero instructors it is worth it!

I've completed 2 workouts.  The 20 minute one yesterday and the cardio party today.  Tomorrow is the Toning and Abs DVDs.  Wish me luck!!!