Thursday, September 4, 2008

Recap of Day 1; on to Day 2

Yesterday was a busy day..

I had school from 7:45-3:30 (this is not my normal school day)
I had to leave school to drive to a meeting at 4:15-5:45.
I then drove to church where I took pictures (very little because I was late) of the King's Kid's Christmas Choir KickOff and then "helped" Hubby lead the small group.

I said "No" a total of 3 times. (That's not including my children's behavior) and I said "Yes" once but, it was a kinda "Yes".  --And truly, I was completely at peace with holding a 1 1/2 month infant through our small group. :0)

Today is another busy day!
School 7:45-4:15; pick up kiddos and go back to school to prepare for Open House 6:30-8. **This is more of a fuel issue as driving all the way home and back is not very efficient.
Hubby picks up kiddos for Monster's baseball practice from 6-8.
Find dinner and meet back at the house by bedtime.


1 creams and sugars:

Michelle @ Sew-Krafty said...

I SO would have taken that baby! ;)
Sounds like you're doing better, and keeping it together. Go you.
I'm praying for you to have grace above and beyond what you could imagine.