This is my dream from early this morning. It woke me up and I have no idea why but, I knew it was something I'm supposed to post.
I'm afraid of lightening. It's probably from the one time I played a silly game and went out into a fierce storm because I was hearing things I shouldn't have. Lightening literally struck in the place I was standing, after my sister pulled me under cover. Since then, I've found shelter every time the thunder and lightening begin their show. In my brain, I figured the bolt is still looking for me because it missed it's mark.
The dream started with me and Buggy getting out of the car during a storm. The sky was lit up often, with thunder following quickly and there was a man on the roof of the building that was calling out safety.
Lightening strikes.
Buggy makes a jet towards the building first. Her little legs are faster than mine and she still loves to play in the rain. My heart is pounding as I make sure that every bit of her reaches the covering before the next flash of light. I hear a muffled encouragement from the rooftop.
Lightening strikes.
That one was brighter. I scurry to the building praying out loud. "Please let me make it, Please." The thoughts of me being hurt in any way while my child unknowing of the danger is cheering me on are overwhelming. "Hurry Mommy! You can beat it!" another voice is calling "Over here! Over here!"
Lightening strikes.
I get a quick hug from Buggy as I make it under the building and see another person struggling in the storm. There are a total of 5 underneath this building covering. All waiting with nervous anticipation for the next person to make it. There's a little bit of stumbling from that person as I process what could happen to this person and yet I'm frozen in place. That person makes it. We all try to make half-hearted jokes about our hair or wet clothes.
Lightening strikes.
I had forgotten about the man on the roof that has been directing us all to the building. The thunder that followed this particular strike was closer somehow and never ending. Then it dawns on me it the man from the roof coming down the aluminum stairs.
Lightening strikes.
"Hello!" He says in a booming voice. "I'm Mr. Fix It around here. Isn't this a beautiful show?"
A rumble between all of the adults is all that is heard. No words are deciphered.
Soaking wet and a wave of his hand the sky is cleared and you see nothing but what appears to be the earth twinkling with light.
At that moment, I woke up. I experienced the greatest peace I've had in a while. So much in fact that it was as if I was relieved of any fear and confusion I've ever had.
As I'm typing this, I now see a small parallel of Peter taking the step out of the boat. While, I know it's a story that's visited often. I'm seeing a new side. The side of seeing this from Jesus's eyes. My storm right now is busy-ness. My fear is not being able to handle it all and making sure that when I do give things up, they are being taken care of as well as me not hurting anyone in the process.
This dream is showing me that while I'm going through this fear and experiencing it someone else is seeing it from above. They are looking at the beauty of big picture. Just like when Peter stepped out of the boat during the storm. He didn't realize the step of faith he was showing others and the boldness he was displaying but, he took his eyes of Jesus. In both cases, Peter and I, called out to God... "Lord, Save me!"
Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?" Mathhew 14:31
Overall... my busy-ness wasn't solved by this dream. But, I was given peace and a glimpse of beauty that God is working - as I deal with my storm. In my own little thoughts, I think Peter ended up the same way.
3 creams and sugars:
It only takes one storm to show us that we are not in control (even tho we would like to be). We are and will always be at the mercy of God and his provision for our lives. No matter what we go through, God is working behind the scenes for our good. He sees you where you are and will make sense of all the busy and hectic times in your life.
Holy cannoli! What a dream! It was definitely meant to be analyzed.
I like the perspective change!! Nice!
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