I'm not quite sure what I'm going to type today. My mind is a little foggy and the cup of coffee in front of me hasn't hit my toes yet. I don't feel very good. If you saw me yesterday, you would've seen me carrying a box of Kleenex and red itchy, sneezy eyes. Follow that with a yucky cough and you have the result of my weekend. Wanna know the kicker?!?!? I didn't do anything!
We have a piece of property located in my in-laws back yard. (Another story, for another time) It is a nice corner lot with pine trees, oak trees, magnolia trees, and finally some bradford pears. ALL of which are generating SOME sort of pollen. My husband and father-in-law were cutting limbs from the blooming trees and piling them up so that we can have a friend come cut the 2+ acres. My job was to drive the golf cart around, make sure the kids were out of trouble, and then when the cutting was done.... drive the golf cart with attached limbs to the "pile". As you can tell... it was a rough Saturday. Especially when I throw in the possible bugs falling out of the tree and a slight sunburn from "waiting" in the sun. Yes, *sigh*, life is rough.
...And then, it starts. After my second pulling to the pile, my son wanted to drive. Me, being the sacrificial lady I am, gave up my grueling post as golf-cart driver and went inside for a rest. Only to find myself sneezing within 15 minutes of being inside. This ended up into a full blown attack on the rest of my body-thus causing the demise of a beautiful weekend and forcing me... Yes, forcing me to get nothing else done except watching an entire season of America's Top Model from the couch. Yesterday, I managed to pull myself out of bed. It was the first day of many as I fight the stuffy nose, random off guard sneezing, losing a lung coughing, and plain old foggy brain that coffee can't melt. Yes. That it is that bad that coffee isn't helping. I even managed to talk Hubby into a visit to Starbucks, last night... and nothing.
Soooo, here I sit. Waiting for my first cup of coffee to unfog my brain. Trying to figure out when I'm going to finish the laundry I couldn't bring myself to start and clean the house that I was forced to avoid because of my current condition. I do see the Doctor tomorrow - for a physical. Hopefully this won't be full blown infection by then.
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