Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Getting to know me.

I spent a good bit of last night playing with colors and trying to figure out how to get this just right.  I won't tell you how many "new questions" I went through to get the one I answered in my profile.  I think I'll try "surfing" other blogs tonight.

I'm a normal poster on Xanga and have a friend that introduced me to Blogger.  It'll take me a while to get into the swing of things.  What are the differences?  What is the benefit?  

I use my blogs as a point to follow out my ideas, thoughts, and life situations.  Most of the time I'm typing out what's happening to me - humorous or not.  It's a creative outlet.  Occasionally, I'll have completely random posts about Queen Rho - a princess at heart - thrown into ruling a land she's quite fond of (Shoppingdom) and forced to fight battles in a land that has no end (Laundrydom).  It's a venting moment for me.

I'm simple.  I love my God, my Hubby, my family, and coffee.  My children give me laughs and grey hair everyday which requires bi-monthly visits to the Hair Goddess.  I have more shoes than one person would care to admit and I'm on a constant search for more.  I read, paint, and find ways to avoid laundry as a list of hobbies.


1 creams and sugars:

Michelle @ Sew-Krafty said...
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