Monday, April 21, 2008


Not my favorite day.  

I'm up 30 minutes earlier than normal because my alarm clock went "off" but, had no sound - after the 3rd snooze button hit.  (I allow myself an hour of 'snoozing')  In those 30 minutes one might think I'd be extremely productive...  It's not exactly working out that way.  I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee, third wardrobe change, 2nd pair of shoes, and I'm avoiding accessories for fear of changing my shirt just one more time.  However, I've managed to type out my plans for the week, check my e-mail (work and home) and sip silently as I ponder over today's verse and yesterday's message from church......AND NOW... I'm typing a post.  So.. I'm kinda productive but, not as much as I'd like.

I did end up taking a nap on Saturday... after chewing out Hubby for the stupid budget...Let me explain.  First of all.... We're (Hubby and I) attending Financial Peace University (Dave Ramsey) at church.  Second of all...I'm an emotional, free spirit kind of gal.  One that prefers shopping over laundry ANY day.  

Buggy's soccer game was over, the kids were on their way to see in-laws with the in-laws, and I was by myself.  The last post indicated that I was behind in domestic duties.  However, I was fully in the position to AVOID said duties as well as not feeling guilty because I was by myself and not pressured to finish these duties.  Soooo... as I was driving "home" to start the domestic duties, I decided to go shopping.  I had money.  I had CASH money AND money in my account.  This WAS a budgeted item.  It fit under the category of "blow money" which means, I could FREELY spend it on WHATEVER I wanted to!!!  
So, I go into the first store.  I grab several CUTE things to try on.  I'm even excited that some of them are a SMALLER size and before I even make it to the fitting room I talk myself out of it.  Yes.  You read that correctly.  I, admitted Shop-a-holic and avoider of domestic duties, TALK myself out of trying on clothes and ...wait for it... walk OUT of the store without purchasing anything.  Mind you... I had money, it was budgeted!  So...  I think to myself... still laundry at home...still avoiding it...  I'll go grocery shopping and get a jump start on next week.  I had the "envelope" for groceries... Yet, half way to the grocery store, I switch lanes and go home.  Why?!?!  Because I didn't have a LIST.  So, I don't purchase fun stuff AND somewhere between store and grocery store, I become a responsible shopper and redirect myself home to do..... LAUNDRY!!?!?!  I was so angry at myself for following the stinking budget (It's totally cramping my style!) I called Hubby chewed him out - He laughed uncontrollably at me, started a load of laundry , and put myself straight to bed for a NAP! 
Yeah.  That was my Saturday.  Followed by a beautiful Sunday....which brings me to today. An indecisive clothes day.  I'm off to review my wardrobe one last time before the kids are up.  

0 creams and sugars: