Monday, November 3, 2008

Woo Hoo!!

I'm celebrating!!!

We're talking clapping and dancing and singing!!!  (When reality hits, probably not so much but for now... just let me have my moment, m'kay?)
Are you ready to know why there is so much celebrating?!?!?!
You're probably going to think I've lost another crayon.  No Worries!  Like I said once reality hits.... I'll certainly feel somewhat remorseful and panicked.  Maybe not remorseful but, certainly panicked..

Have I stalled long enough yet?

My washing machine is not working properly! Apparently the spin cycle is not spinning.  Except for the fact I'll spend two days drying my favorite pair of jeans....I'm eggs-static!  
No more laundry!  YAY! YAY! YAY!!!

What are the kids going to wear?!?  I haven't gotten that far.  They weren't real happy the last time I decided not to do laundry and I had asked them to turn their underclothes inside out (KIDDING!).  
I DID finish this weeks laundry and there isn't beside my jeans any "dirty clothes" yet.  So I've got some time.

My hope is that it'll take longer to get a repair man out then to actually fix it and I'll have 3-4 days of laundry-free bliss.  Seriously... it's not in the stars or checkbook for the new machines yet. 

I've been taking little vacays from the computer lately.  I needed some time to get my head in the game... Which I'm still working on.  I spent last week working on finding my kitchen table and reuniting with my children since the only conversations I  feel lately have been through sports type cheering or grade questioning yelling.  
This weekend...... I finished the laundry, figured out there are 51  shopping days left until Christmas, and began to make a list.  
I'm not stressing. 
My goal this year - Finish the shopping before the last day of November and enjoy the month of December at my leisure.  Monster is bought for (pretty much).  Buggy made her list from the Toys R Us big book and Hubby... well, he normally picks it out, hands me the debit card, and I finish the transaction and wrap the present.  Other than that... family members are planned for and just waiting for the right things to go on sale. :0)

Question...... I have a small circle of friends that I'm thinking of a cookie swap with.  Is it wrong to pick a night out to do that in the middle of the busy season?  I don't want to add stress to them but, I miss me some friend time.

Off to cater to the kiddos.

2 creams and sugars:

Joanna said...

Oh sorry about the washing machine, but enjoy the no laundry zone while you can.

At this point I think come up with any idea to get some friend time. It's the gosh I haven't seen your face in a while party. Go for it. If they can make it they will and if they can't no worries.

Anonymous said...

Ahem. I heard the weekend before Thanksgiving would be an EXCELLENT time for some cookie sharing!

That doesn't mean I have to actually MAKE cookies, though. Right?