Monster " Wow! That's a nice corvette!"
Hubby "Howdoya know?"
Monster "Ummm... Duh?!?!? It say's CORVETTE on the back of it!"
While on our way to the baseball game yesterday from church... We're changing in the car.
Buggy... "Monster... don't forget your underwear, your cup, & your safety underwear"
Baseball season is over. We were eliminated from the tournament on the best attitude and fun game the players had all year. On Saturday, while I was at the Goddess.... our coach (the one I have WAY too many un-nice things to say about) was "dismissed" from the park after carrying on in a rather dramatic way. So, yesterday's game was pleasant and the kids had a great time! There is still a lot of damage done to the confidence of these players... Mainly his son's. They played well and they were smiling. That's what it's about.
3 creams and sugars:
"Buggy... "Monster... don't forget your underwear, your cup, & your safety underwear" " that is funny!!
Too bad about the coach but glad he got booted. Who picks out these people anyway??
Remind me to tell you my "cup" story...remember, I have no brothers :)
Remind me to tell you my "cup" story...remember, I have no brothers :)
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