Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Catching Up.

I've had a million ba-zillion blog title ideas and posts rumbling through my brain at mock-speed for the last week.

Here are just a few:
  • My life as a reality show (sermon snippit)
  • Random funnies from Buggy (What did you say?)
  • Finality of fall sports
  • Christmas Shopping and the lack of it.
My problem is that I can't seem to sit in front of the computer long enough to compose anything because I'm running around working on other things like laundry, family, and the house.  Not that I'm complaining... it's just that I'm a little spooked that I'm faithfully choosing domestic responsibilities over creative thought processes and outlets and liking it (except for the laundry part).  

I'm pretty sure there are angels rejoicing that I'm that 1/2 a step closer to a Proverbs 31 lady or at least Jesus is thinking "By Golly... she's getting it!"

I'm sure at some point, I'll type out all of those blog titles up top.  But, for now.. I'm off to switch laundry, make sure that the kiddos are cleaning their rooms, and over all get ready for a beautiful day of peace that was given to me by the men and women who faithfully serve our country.

Happy Veteran's Day!

2 creams and sugars:

Anonymous said...

I'm running out of ways to entertain my coworkers...What did you say? stories, please!

Joanna said...

You know what's worse is when you finally get that time at the computer and all those great post vanish and you can't remember a single one of them. Sniff

Not that I'm bitter or anything.