Hi all!!
We've been curbing our technology allowance at the house of Rho and frankly, I've been too tired to get up early or stay up late to post.
All that to say... my brain is frazzled. Way more than it normally is. It's that part when you know God's working on something.. you just aren't sure what yet? This has been an ongoing process from about before the Women's Retreat in October.
I only have that I'm to be still..... Excuse ME? Have you met me God? and yet he answers....
Be Still.
...and so, I continue in a quiet observant way. A good bit of my friends are wondering "What's the deal?!!?"as I awkwardly stand quiet in conversation. Somedays, I feel like I'm hiding in the background as I watch the conversations take place. I feel like I'm left out of the eternal loop of friendship waiting for that invitation to participate. But, yet the quiet encouraging voice says, Be Still.
Since the Lord has asked me to be still, I've listened more closely and more heartfelt. I'm noticing the weight of the world that my friends are carrying and that has been leading me to pray for them.
I realize that my "Be Still" includes multiple things - conversations, hectic schedules, life in general, Bible Study, and prayer.
Perhaps, I'll do a "series" of what's happening.
I've included a song... I hope it works.
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