Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Felt like posting.

But, have no idea about what.

I'm blank - No alter egos, no random funnies, no complaints... I guess I just felt like typing.  

Filling in the void of blankness for today.  Interesting.  I do that in conversations.  I can't just let silence be.  In fact, when I attempt to do so Hubby thinks there is something wrong.  
"Be still."
Can I recommend being hogtied for that one, God?  I think it may be the only way.  

4 creams and sugars:

Michelle @ Sew-Krafty said...

Rho + Stillness = Coma :D

Joanna said...

Yeah I'm in the same boat. And I talk with my hands moving all the time. Hubby said if you tie my hands together I will suffocate.

Edwina at The Picket Fence said...

Sometimes in those 'still' moments is when God can use us the most!!!

Michelle @ Sew-Krafty said...

I left you something in the land of Pink!!