Thursday, October 9, 2008


I'm off for the retreat!

I'll be spending 2 days at the beach with some friends and ladies from the church for our annual Ladies Retreat.  I've been looking forward to it since LAST year's!

Love y'all!!!

p.s. I figured out what was wrong with my alarm clock!  Apparently, you have to turn the alarm ON if you expect it to go off!!  Yup.  I did THAT.

2 creams and sugars:

Michelle @ Sew-Krafty said...

OOOOooohhhh! The dreaded alarm clock! YUCK!

Have an awesome time at the retreat, and bring me back something ;)

Edwina at The Picket Fence said...

Have a great time and when you get back read my Final Farewell on my blog that I posted today :)