You know that song we sing at Christmas as a spoof?
Iiiii'm gett'n nuffiiiin for Chriiiistmaaaas.... Mooooommy & Daaaaaddy are maaaad...?!?!?!
I'm waiting for the tune to get stuck in your brain.
there yet??!? Oh. A couple more seconds then..
Okay. That should be good enough. The song starts off with a list of "wrongs" that the child has committed.
That was my day. Except. I was wronged.
**Sigh** Just a tough day.
My alarm didn't go off.
My daughter didn't wake up.
I had a parent/teacher conference after being in training for a day and needing to make copies.
I had a staffing and someone covered my room only to come back to two tests that were taken away due to cheating.
An impromptu meeting with a parent due to the cheating and a phone call with the other parent.
.....and FINALLY!!!
An allergic reaction to the new eye make-up which makes the lids of my eyes feel like they're on fire and they are red and swollen..
...and what on earth does the song have to do with my day?
Not. a. clue.
It's just stuck in my brain and Your's too!!!
1 creams and sugars:
You're going to have to sing the song for me tonight, I can't place it.
I'm going to the Hair Goddess...and a surprise!! *giggle giggle*
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