Tuesday, September 23, 2008

One year older.

I'm  pretty low key about my birthday.  

The day itself not necessarily the present part.  I love me some PRESENTS! But, I like them everyday or as soon as I can find them.

It's been, in my brain, a way to reflect over my year of growth.  Whether it's inside or outside....I'm constantly growing.  Did I meet the marks I wanted to?  Am I doing the things I'm supposed to?  It's like New Year's without the streamers and honking sounds. 

So as I sit in front of the computer and look over my past year, I think of (in no particular order)...
  • Spiritual......I grew as much as I let myself.  I'm not an all knowing theologist, nor am I as unknowledgeable as I was.  I can figure out where to find the books of the bible without my cheat sheet.
  • Friendship..... Some old, some new, some treasured, some left me under a bus and backed it up over me.  Overall, minus a few broken bones... I'm doing just fine.
  • Family......My children and Hubby are still putting up with me.  I can't begin to list the changes I see in all of them but, I know that God is good!
  • Work.....It's not at the top of my list anymore and for that I'm thankful.
  • Physical......No pounds lost, No pounds gained.  I can still buckle up my favorite pair of jeans. WOO HOO!!

So that's my year in review.  There were laughs, giggles, tears, and TONZ of coffee.  I know it's a short list but, there's stuff that is unspoken and in itty bitty print between the lines.

4 creams and sugars:

Michelle @ Sew-Krafty said...

It's your birthday?!
You're kidding me, right?!
How could I not know this?!
Why didn't you let me know?!
I'm really enjoying all the questions that end with "?!", aren't you?!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! We are SO gonna celebrate...SOON!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! Here's to another year of growing - the good kind. ;)

Profesora de español said...

Happy Birthday, Rho! I hope you had/have a pleasant day!

Alicia Hall said...

Happy Birthday to You! Cha, Cha, Cha
Love ya girl! I hope you had a great day and great weekend at Disney World.
I miss ya! It's been too long since we've sat and chatted. I feel a morning at Starbucks calling. You let me know when - my treat!