Friday, September 26, 2008

I gots a red blueberry!!

My new phone is here!!!
Hubby spent hours on end last night making it talk to my 'puter.  Apparently they two devices don't like each other unless you yell at them and make them be friends.  I'm spending this morning trying to figure out how to make calls and such. 

Weekend plans:
1.  Monster baseball game against Park Champions for 3+ years 8:00 tonight.
2.  Buggy's game 9:00 tomorrow morning.
3. Fireproof movie 7:15 with Hubby tomorrow evening.
4. Church on Sunday.

1 creams and sugars:

Edwina at The Picket Fence said...

Love the new phone and I love the pic of you hiding behind it :) Have a good weekend and I will see you Sunday.