Monday, November 24, 2008

What's your Ark?

ARK - That one thing in your life you're not willing to quit on regardless of the laughter around you.

Hubby & I teach a small group on Wednesday nights. Personally, I think, Hubby does the teaching and I'm the one that plays "smiling wife" and asks the clarifying questions, when his notes get a little "higher order" but, we're in it together so, I guess WE'RE teaching. (This sooo ADD for me! Sorry) Okay.. back to the story.

This past Wednesday we were talking about Faith. Noah's faith to be exact. (Genesis 6: 9-22)
Can you imagine, hitting your retirement age and getting a message to build a contraption in the middle of the desert. Just measurements and instructions. AND THEN Noah..replies with NO "Whys?", NO arguments, He just completes the task.

We really don't get a glimpse over what happened conversationally during the time it took for Noah to build the Ark but, knowing how cruel people can be when you set out to do something right in the Eyes of the Lord, one can only guess the comments.

"Dude, what's THAT for?"
"Noah, Are you sure he said ARK?"
"You missed the boat" (no pun intended)

See, in the time of Noah. He was the righteous one. There were no others and God was through with dealing with the corruption. God gave him specific instructions on how to build his ark. God was specific on how he was to fill the ark.
Not once in all of that did Noah say...
"Ummm, God, I can't do this... see Christmas is coming and I need to.." .
"..I've just got a couple more things to do and then..."
"riiight, you want me to do what?"
"But MY friends...."

He. just. built. it. He had faith that HE and his family would be taken care of. The instructions were God given and specific.

Now... do I think that the conversations never took place? That Noah never doubted or even spoke out questions? In the world of Rho... I'm not sure. I do know that it wasn't important enough to make it into the Great Instruction Booklet (aka THE Bible) which in my mind means.. it's not that important because at the end of the day and chapter...Noah finished what God had asked him to do. He built his Ark... Regardless of the laughter around him.

Which brings me to this. What's your Ark? What's the one thing that you know in your heart of hearts that you need to do. Stepping out in Faith. Knowing that God will show up. Regardless of the laughter. Regardless of the things that are happening around you.

Mine is demonstrating a marriage that can be healed. Stepping out in faith to start a marriage ministry.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Be Still - Conversations.

Hi all!!

We've been curbing our technology  allowance at the house of Rho and frankly, I've been too tired to get up early or stay up late to post.

All that to say... my brain is frazzled.  Way more than it normally is.  It's that part when you know God's working on something.. you just aren't sure what yet?  This has been an ongoing process from about before the Women's Retreat in October.
 I only have that I'm to be still..... Excuse ME?  Have you met me God?  and yet he answers.... 
Be Still.    
...and so, I continue in  a quiet observant way.  A good bit of my friends are wondering "What's the deal?!!?"as I awkwardly stand quiet in conversation.  Somedays, I feel like I'm hiding in the background as I watch the conversations take place.  I feel like I'm left out of the eternal loop of friendship waiting for that invitation to participate.  But, yet the quiet encouraging voice says, Be Still. 

Since the Lord has asked me to be still, I've listened more closely and more heartfelt.  I'm noticing the weight of the world that my friends are carrying and that has been leading me to pray for them.  

I realize that my "Be Still" includes multiple things - conversations, hectic schedules, life in general, Bible Study, and prayer. 
Perhaps, I'll do a "series" of what's happening.
I've included a song... I hope it works.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Funnies By Buggy

Just a little bit of laughter for your Wednesday!

At dinner on Sunday.....
Mimi:  Did you hear me?
Buggy: Yeah
Hubby:  What did you say? (expecting manners)
Buggy:  Yeah, I heard you.

On our way to Mimi's tonight.

Buggy:  Mommy, I won!
Me:  Won what?
Buggy:  The game I beat you!
Me: What game?
Buggy:  The one that you have to count cars to 100.
Me:  Buggy,  you have to let me know I'm playing a game before you can beat me!

Catching Up.

I've had a million ba-zillion blog title ideas and posts rumbling through my brain at mock-speed for the last week.

Here are just a few:
  • My life as a reality show (sermon snippit)
  • Random funnies from Buggy (What did you say?)
  • Finality of fall sports
  • Christmas Shopping and the lack of it.
My problem is that I can't seem to sit in front of the computer long enough to compose anything because I'm running around working on other things like laundry, family, and the house.  Not that I'm complaining... it's just that I'm a little spooked that I'm faithfully choosing domestic responsibilities over creative thought processes and outlets and liking it (except for the laundry part).  

I'm pretty sure there are angels rejoicing that I'm that 1/2 a step closer to a Proverbs 31 lady or at least Jesus is thinking "By Golly... she's getting it!"

I'm sure at some point, I'll type out all of those blog titles up top.  But, for now.. I'm off to switch laundry, make sure that the kiddos are cleaning their rooms, and over all get ready for a beautiful day of peace that was given to me by the men and women who faithfully serve our country.

Happy Veteran's Day!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Just wanted to let you know...

I'm up for the "Being Domestic too Early in the Morning" Award.

It's complete with a new alarm clock, sponge, bottle of 409, and various other cleaning supplies.

I woke up this morning without an alarm.  Yesterday... my alarm beeped at me because I forgot to return my iPod to the contraption after listening to it for encouragement on Tuesday.  Last night I was certain not to repeat that so, I came in from church and placed my iPod promptly on the alarm clock.  At the point is was tuck in time... I went to sleep.... unknowingly NOT setting the alarm clock.
SOOO... this morning I woke up in a panic over not hearing my Wake up list, which set my heart-a-racing, which put me in hyperspeed.  
Rho on hyperspeed is like the Alvin, Simon, and Theodore on Starbucks combined.  
(marinate on that picture for a while..I'll wait.)

Okay... so all of this to say.....
I've loaded, unloaded, and washed dishes.  I've prepared dinner in the crockpot and am waiting for the perfect time to turn it on.  I've straightened my stuff for the day as well as ironed my outfit, made myself beautiful, AND checked all e-mails and postings.
Yeah.  All that before 6:25.  
....and that is why I'm nominated... 
Think I'll win?!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

At the end of the day....

We're all Americans. 
One nation, Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty & Justice  for all.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Great Leader....

Today scares me.  

Not so much of who will be put into office, I'm confident my God will shine no matter what.  But, of how the people in this nation will follow.

Will they revolt and rebel over the vote or will they silently stew and plan behind closed doors?

I've had the thought of a great leader in my head for some time.  
  • A leader that will listen and answer on his time which will be the best time for me - regardless of how much I think in the now.
  • A leader that will comfort and guide in troubled times.
  • A leader that will love unconditionally and one that is made to be followed.
You see... I think as we lose hold of what we believe in.... we lose our ability to follow the correct leader.  

We've also lost our ability to respect authority.  
I have a student that stated.... "Ms. D.... if Person X is elected, I won't be here on 11/5 so I just wanted you to know.  
My response... "Student... that's not really repectful."  
Him.... "Oh, I'll respect him."  
Me..."Really?  Because not showing up to school because you didn't get your way isn't very respectful.  Our country  thought that the candidate was the correct leader and for that you should follow.  It doesn't mean you have to like him... it just means that you need to respect him."  
Him.. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Can you guess how many conversations I've had like that with the adults?!?!

For my Bloggy Buddies.... I teach middle school CIVICS... so this election has weighted my heart down.  I've listened to responses that are parroted from parent to student for 3 months.  I've kept my mouth closed in discussions that truly break my heart as I see the view point of my colleagues.  In fact, in all truth besides names, I've not said much about this election.  It's what I haven't said that the students are learning....

  1. I haven't sided outwardly for a candidate.  My students ask me daily.... my response??!? "I want you to choose your leader on your own.  My job is for you to understand the workings of our nation not my opinions."
  2. I've talked more about the right to vote which means the right to "complain".  If you don't take the process seriously and participate you don't have a right to disagree.
  3. I've talked alot about respecting the leaders of our nation.  Including the President - even if you don't care for them, people who are fighting for our country - even if you disagree,  and lastly about the candidates that are seeking the position - even if you have a preference.
I don't know where all of this is supposed to go.  I just know I'm frustrated with alot of the attitude I see in our nation.  The President is the leader of our nation.  He has a lot of responsibility and decisions to make that could change our way of life. 
 But, My God is BIGGER.  
He'll keep me safe.  My true leader gives me hope, promise, and love on a daily basis.  He puts me on a path of understanding and gives me wisdom when I ask for it.  He'll never lead me into a battle that I'm not prepared for.  My job is to make sure I follow whole-heartedly.  
God places people of authority around us -  Deacons, Pastors, Presidents, Bosses... you name it.  It truly doesn't matter your position somewhere....there is always someone in authority over you.  Thank Goodness I realize the top of the chain and know him personally.

Rambling is good for the brain... at least mine.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Woo Hoo!!

I'm celebrating!!!

We're talking clapping and dancing and singing!!!  (When reality hits, probably not so much but for now... just let me have my moment, m'kay?)
Are you ready to know why there is so much celebrating?!?!?!
You're probably going to think I've lost another crayon.  No Worries!  Like I said once reality hits.... I'll certainly feel somewhat remorseful and panicked.  Maybe not remorseful but, certainly panicked..

Have I stalled long enough yet?

My washing machine is not working properly! Apparently the spin cycle is not spinning.  Except for the fact I'll spend two days drying my favorite pair of jeans....I'm eggs-static!  
No more laundry!  YAY! YAY! YAY!!!

What are the kids going to wear?!?  I haven't gotten that far.  They weren't real happy the last time I decided not to do laundry and I had asked them to turn their underclothes inside out (KIDDING!).  
I DID finish this weeks laundry and there isn't beside my jeans any "dirty clothes" yet.  So I've got some time.

My hope is that it'll take longer to get a repair man out then to actually fix it and I'll have 3-4 days of laundry-free bliss.  Seriously... it's not in the stars or checkbook for the new machines yet. 

I've been taking little vacays from the computer lately.  I needed some time to get my head in the game... Which I'm still working on.  I spent last week working on finding my kitchen table and reuniting with my children since the only conversations I  feel lately have been through sports type cheering or grade questioning yelling.  
This weekend...... I finished the laundry, figured out there are 51  shopping days left until Christmas, and began to make a list.  
I'm not stressing. 
My goal this year - Finish the shopping before the last day of November and enjoy the month of December at my leisure.  Monster is bought for (pretty much).  Buggy made her list from the Toys R Us big book and Hubby... well, he normally picks it out, hands me the debit card, and I finish the transaction and wrap the present.  Other than that... family members are planned for and just waiting for the right things to go on sale. :0)

Question...... I have a small circle of friends that I'm thinking of a cookie swap with.  Is it wrong to pick a night out to do that in the middle of the busy season?  I don't want to add stress to them but, I miss me some friend time.

Off to cater to the kiddos.