Last night was tough for me.
I watched my son play a sport he has loved for years and he experienced what I would call one of him most difficult nights of his life.
He's been working really hard at winning a spot behind the batter. His ultimate playing position would be catcher. Last night, he was overly excited because he knew that he had 2 innings of playing his prized position. Granted it was a team that his team had beat 18-0 and the coach was giving some of the "lesser-knowns" an opportunity to play in-field but, still.. in his mind, He was going to CATCH!
So he had some really great plays
(He's in the red, I'm in the black holding my camera and my breath. Thank Goodness for other parents!)
and then...
then came the trials.
The ball ended up in the dirt in front of him or behind him - thus causing stolen bases and scored runs. In the bottom of the 2nd inning, the score was 0-5 ,them , there were 2 outs and Monster lost his treasured spot to the "more experienced player" as he and the pitcher were pulled.
You see, Monster has been told several times that it's most likely he won't be able to do what his dream is. He won't be able to catch for a Professional Baseball team because he's too small, his arm isn't strong enough (yet), and lastly he's left handed. Traditionally... left handers aren't behind the plate. So, not getting to finish his first inning opportunity or be put back into the game for a second chance behind the plate crushed him.
So much in fact that his coach couldn't console him and called Hubby into the dugout to talk to him.
After Hubby talked to him, I went to give him a couple of pieces of gum and he was still trying to get his breathing straight.
He was hurt.
He was embarrassed.
He truly thought that the entire reason they were losing the game was because of his inability to do what he always wanted to do.
Me, being the strong parent that I am, had to hide my own tears as I faced my son to encourage him...
"Hey buddy, you okay?"
Sniff. Sniff. nod.
"Did you do your absolute best?"
Sniff. Sniff. nod.
"You know that is all we ever ask you to do, right?"
Sniff. Sniff. nod.
"You are the greatest son and I love you very much, You know that right?"
Sniff. Sniff. nod.
"Okay, here's your gum. Keep doing your best! I love you!"
mumble, mumble.."You too, Mom"
He played his standard position of left field during the next inning and then it was his turn to bat. This being a new league for him, he's been struggling on and off here as well. It was 2 outs and he really didn't need another whammy against him.
So here we sit.
Pitch. Swing. Strike.
No Whammies, Please...No Whammies.
Pitch. Watch. Ball.
No Whammies, Please... No Whammies.
Pitch. Swing.....Crack!
He nailed it! Made it to third base on errors AND started the 7 run RALLY that won the game!!!!
So...why did I type out all of this??!?!?
Two reasons....
#1. To explain to Fuschia why I spent 15 seconds of our phone call screaming into the phone as my son, the greatest little league baseball player in my eyes, crossed the plate.
#2. To say this.... How many times have you cried over that thing you KNOW you're supposed to do only to find out that you fail the first couple of times? In the game of life, it's the entire GAME we're playing - not just that inning. Which means top or bottom of whatever inning you're in....there will be some mistakes. It's how you act after them that makes you the winner!