Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Too much time.. and too little things... Wait a minute!

...reverse that.

The oddness behind the fact that I've been somewhat wrapped up in stuff is that I haven't had the urge to blog.  It's not that I don't love you!  I'm checking on my bloggy buddies often!

It's just that I've.. well...been talking to someone else.

Don't be offended.  He's a super nice guy!  He loves me for who I am and gives GREAT guidance!  Not to mention in my "still" time... we've become super close!
Before y'all freak out and call Hubby... he already knows and is okay with it....and for those who are REALLY freaking out.....don't panic...

I've pulled back to have had some quality time with God. 

I can't believe how much I've missed him!!
There are seasons when we forget what's we should be doing because of what's happening around us and I was in that season.  But, I'm getting refocused and God is working on somethings... so I'll be here and there and checking on ya..but, not so much on the blogging myself...
....at least for today.

1 creams and sugars:

Fuschia said...

Ditto :)