Friday, January 2, 2009

I've been run over...

... at least that's what I feel like.

Go, Figure!
It's my LAST real day of "vacay" where I can  do things I enjoy doing (like tackle the ever growing invisible list) and I'm forced to lay down and rest.  
I have NO fever, just sniffles and ACHES!  I'm praying it's just the weather and I'm going to medicate with caffeine (aka coffee).

As for everything else.. the laundry is going to have to wait  -There went that resolution....(Pshaw!- as if I'd resolve to do anything with laundry!) and getting the kids back on schedule will be an alarm clock shock on Monday when I get it as well.
We've actually had a calm couple of days here but, I'm having visions of craziness starting up soon.  Baseball season is just around the corner. *sigh* 

I'm off to crawl on the couch.

2 creams and sugars:

Fuschia said...

Grab another cuppa, have M get you some chicken soup (I'll make you some if you want), watch several episodes of I Love Lucy (laughter does good like medicine)and sleeeeeep!

Feel better soon.

Edwina at The Picket Fence said...

Nothing like a good restful nap on the couch to make you feel better. I felt that way and did just what you did, grabbed my warm blanket and watched Mama Mia.