Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm not speaking to my DVD player.

Just so you know....My long term friendship that played Disney movies and the occasional ooey-gooey movie night is being tried.  

Apparently upon my decision to get fit and pick work-out videos the DVD player decided it was in my best interest to play the stupid things and thus, I'm stuck with sore muscles and the inability to move.  

But, Rho - you say- don't you have to press play?!?!  Aren't you somewhat responsible for the picking the torture device of the day?  

I stand here not so kicking (because it hurts too much) but definitely screaming saying --
NO! -  I only place the DVD in the player.  It's the player's fault that it starts automatically and therefore I proceed to stay trance-like in different contortions and aerobic moves until the credits are off and I'm collapsed on the floor red faced and sweaty. (Can you say Eww?!?!)  

Hubby says... it'll get better and I do this every year.  My Small Group says it'll get better when I make the decision to keep it up or quit.  I must say the quit option is sounding REALLY good right now!
But, I'm not a  quitter.... at least not today.  I have dreams of size single digit this year and so I press through - albeit much slower than I normally do.   Please pray for my DVD player.  It needs all the help it can get.  Oh - and pray that I can find forgiveness so that the long-term friendship will be renewed.

Smile!!  It's almost Friday!

2 creams and sugars:

Alicia Hall said...

Did the DVD only play for 10 minutes? :)

RhoDelta said...

Not this time... :0)
It was a full 30 minute "Boot Camp" ERRG!