I decided not to continue on my rambling more so because I'm getting it....
Back to chaos...
I'm a teacher. That's my passion. It's not my job because I still like the profession, I'm relatively new to it, and I left a job that wasn't good for me even though it paid well. I typed all of that to say, I still have really good days and I still have really bad days. I'm far from perfect and make up only goes so far.
As we reach the end of the school year, I'm noticing that the students are itching for the summer. I'm also a little anxious about it, but don't tell them. I'm finding that as they act out, so do I.... and that's when it hit me. (warning... random thoughts ahead...)
Is my platter full?
We're all called to serve in some capacity. When I think of someone serving, I think of this giant silver platter being full of divine snacks and chocolates that a person in a fancy uniform is carrying. (Mind you, this is the part of Queen Rho that we all know and love) As the person makes their rounds in the ballroom, people start to take from the platter. If there are a choice of items to take, most people will take what they like OR what has the most taken from it. (Really! Think about it, if everyone else is eating it surely it MUST be GOOD!) If there is only one choice, less people pick from an empty platter and the "servant" becomes a little more forceful to empty the platter. Almost like they get paid by the platter and can't get a new one until the other one is finished.
So I'm thinking..... Is my platter full? Do I have a variety of things for people to pull from? Do I take the time to fill it up? or Am I the forceful servant who only gives what's leftover instead of fresh things just so I can get paid?
What does this have to do with school? Absolutely nothing - kinda. Except that lately I've been serving them a half a platter expecting full platter results because I'm trying to figure out my plans for the future (summer) and not focusing on the now. Seems I'm doing that for all of the aspects of my life.
Don't get me wrong goals are an awesome thing to have. Paths are an essential thing for us to follow. But, giving up what's happening today because we are focused on what might or never happen in the future is wrong. God will show us when he's ready.
Right now - I just need to make sure my platter is full of him. I need to continue to draw near, wait for his guidance and stop relying on my fingers to type out blogs so that I can see it in black and white in order to analyze it and think about it WAY too much. (I don't like to think, it makes me less random)
To my Sister in Christ....Thank you.
1 creams and sugars:
...and Bob's your uncle!
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