Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bruised & Beaten but not Broken

My friends (all one of you!) -

It has been a rough weekend in Shoppingdom.  The royal family has enjoyed quality time together at the request of the Queen.  We started with Princess Buggy's last soccer game on Saturday morning.  As I cheered the little princess on, I did not realize that the Sun was beating down on my bare shoulders thus causing a slight pink color upon my fair skin.  After we finished the game we decided to visit different houses that were displayed in the Parade of Homes.  Looking at the different decorating ideas, floor plans, and possible dream kitchens caused quite a stir among the royal family.  At one point I was pointing a particular wall feature that I liked to the King and as I was showing him with my hands, I hit the wall with my thumb causing a breakage in my nail.  The kind that is only 1/2 way, unsalvageable, and painful.  We then visited the mall.  The King took Prince Monster to see a movie while I and Princess Buggy went shopping.  As the Princess and I toured our kingdom of stores and clothes and shoes, we came across this one store.  I saw several outfits and possibilities and started to pile up my arms with hopes and dreams of buying.  At the point we walked down the of us bumped into some shelves that were leaning up against the wall...the shelves fell and scraped a four inch cut along my lower leg and ankle.  The customer service representative was V-E-R-Y rude.  I explained the event, showed her my wound, and asked for a first aid kit.  She looked at me, the wound, and said...."NO!"..then turned her back on me.  (Ummm... hello?!?!?!  The Queen was BLEEDING!)  I ended up having to hobble to the mall security office for a banged-aid...and very proud of myself for not losing it in the store.

So yes, those who saw me in church today... I was limping..I was sunburned...I lost a nail... BUT.... I was worshipping!!!

p.s.  I did notify the store's corporate office of the event.  Not asking for anything but perhaps a simple revisit of customer service basics and OSHA laws.AND....I managed to leave out the fact that I couldn't wear cute capri's on Mother's day because of ugly wound in the actual e-mail.

2 creams and sugars:

Michelle @ Sew-Krafty said...

I wondered about the bandage ;-(

So did you actually leave the mall EMPTY HANDED??!!

Surely not!

Anonymous said...

What is this ONE friend nonsense???

PS - did you know that there is now Tiramisu Coffeemate?? It is berry, berry good.