I have two scars on my body.
One on the back of my left leg and one on the front of my right leg. Both I received for not paying attention. Both I received unknowingly until someone else pointed out the severity. At the point of the injuries I seriously thought nothing of them. Until someone ELSE noticed the bleeding. Am I really that unobservant? Sadly, my answer is yes, WHEN it comes to myself. When it comes to others, I'll notice in a heartbeat.
I was playing catch-up on my blog reading this morning. I hadn't read on my bloggy-bar for quite sometime and needed to catch up with my reading. As I visited this one though, I got to thinking (yes, I was on coffee cup #1) and the Holy Spirit started moving, and my fingers started typing.
How many scars do I have? Which lead to the counting of scars you see above. Then I began to think about my Ecuador story. I talked about stretch marks. OH! if I have to count those from childbirth, we'll be here forever! Then I thought about the teary moment I shared in front of the church (yes, I gave a 3 minute summary of what is typed out here) The visual of me standing with a microphone and tapping my heart is stuck in my brain.
How many scars DO I really have?
Too many to count. Which is a good thing. Each and everyone of those wounds brought me through something. A broken heart, A limping spirit, A tainted life, A hurting marriage, A lost child....the list is long and painful. You see, the Lord brought me through EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY WOUNDS! Thank you Lord! His hand was on my shoulder as I cried uncontrollably over the lost of my first child. His arms were wrapped around me as I struggled with my past. He wiped the tears off my face as I silently wept for the young girls in Ecuador who had no choice but to give themselves over to adults who did not care about them.
But it's the memory of
The place you brought me from
That keeps me on my knees
All of my wounds listed or not listed were healed by the one God I put my trust in daily. It's because he healed me that I continue to look to him each morning that I get out of bed. It's because of the silent whispers of knowing he's with me each step of every day that I can do the things he's called me to do. It's because of what he brought me through that I can talk to others and guide them through or around the same things.
But I'll build an altar with
the rubble that You've found me in
and every stone will sing
of what You can redeem.
God uses us in ways that we can serve and help others through the experiences we have and the mistakes that we make. I'm so glad I'm un-perfect. I'm so glad that I have the scars visible or non-visible. These make me realize that in the grand scheme of things I'm useable. Think of fine china. The ones that only get used on rare occasions verses the everyday stoneware that is used everyday regardless of it's chips. I don't want to be used 1-2 times. I want the Lord to use me every chance he gets.
I am broken torn apart, Take the pieces of this heart
Heal the wound but, leave the scar
So take this post as an encouragement!
Bloggy Buddies, Friends, Sisters,
Regardless of your scars you ARE useable. It doesn't matter what you have been through or what you are going through. There is someone that can help and guide you. There is someone who cares enough to wrap their arms around you and weep as well. AND there is someone out there who would benefit from you making yourself useable. If you have a wound, turn to the Lord. Ask him to help. If you have a scar, don't be afraid to show it.
Words in italics are from the Song : Heal the Wounds by Point of Grace. If you'd like to hear the song click here.
This post isn't at all what I thought it would be. Thank you for using me for a simple message such as this. My prayer is that others will benefit just as well. I thank you for showing me that I, too can still learn from myself and my scars.
2 creams and sugars:
Very nice! Bev mentioned scars last night...hmmm.
AND...how did you get that cup on your header?! CUTE!
Very well spoken.
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