Saturday, July 26, 2008

Date Night.

It all started Thursday afternoon - AFTER my kids were picked up.

I had to find enough time get clean, and beautiful, and non-mommied because I was having DATE Night with Hubby and Fuschia and RedDaddy.  We were going to and adult restaurant and EVERYTHING!  
For a simple side bar..... You MUST establish a DATE night!  IT doesn't have to be with a fellow blogger or any other couple but, spending time alone with your husband is a MUST!  

So our dates picked us up in the grown-up car. In Rho that means, a 4 seater, non-PopTart, convertible Saab.  At least I think it's a Saab.  We have a glorious dinner complete with a very forgiving and humorous waitress.  Then after her 4th visit about dessert (We were heavy into a conversation regarding the conversation with my daughter.) we make the decision to go to Starbucks and return to The House of Rho for possible game playing and/or more adult conversation. As we exit the adult restaurant, RedDaddy decides to let the convertible top down.  MY first thought?!?!  WHOO HOO!!!
... and off we gooooo!!! (movie reference??!?!)

Note to self #1. Bring a clip for long bangs in the back seat of a convertible at fast speeds. (fast being anything above stop)
Note to self #2.  Be comfortable enough with your back seat buddy to hold her hair out of her face as she holds yours when the boys decide to hit the boost down a big hill.
Note to self #3.  Above ALL things.  Laugh.  It's good for you regardless of your hair.

Can I just say this.... We were laughing soooo hard that the "kids" at Starbucks thought we'd been out for more than dinner!!  
We order our coffee, Me - Super Sweet Grande with extra sugar.  Fuschia - Double shot of energy with double shot of cream and ummm...yeah... shaken not stirred... Please.  

Then we get back into the adult car with coffee.  I don't know if it's because the adult car is sacred or the coffee was sacred but, we gave strict instructions regarding speed limit and no boosts prior to entering the vehicle.  Plus, the ride wasn't very far due to the blessing God bestowed upon me when he built that particular Starbucks.  
Did you know??  If you are holding your coffee AND someone else's coffee you tend to resemble Cousin It in the back of a convertible?  Yeah. It's true.

When we get to the House of Rho we hang out on the couches and laugh.  I'm talking L-A-U-G-H.  Spit your water out of your mouth laugh.  We talked about movies, skits, Talula doing the Hula, kids, world problems, you name it.  It was SOOO much fun!!  Around the time we all started to turn into pumpkins, we parted ways with another date set.... Fuschia and I were meeting at 9. in the morning. for another set of grocery training.

I was up until 1:00 getting my list of 22 products from 3 stores together.  

We met and conquered the 3 stores  we visited.  I still had one more store to do after we split up at 11:30.  Total for the week???

I spent - $76.00
I saved - $35.07
ECBs- $5.00

Now, I need to remind you guys - this was only my second trip with coupons.  I think I'm doing pretty good!!  I even made a MENU.  That's leaps and bounds for this cloud jumper!
Okay.. I need more coffee and I'm taking the kids swimming.  I'd visit Fuschia's blog if you can.  Something tells me we'll have dueling blogs regarding our date when we catch up from our sleep and can manage to get back on track.

0 creams and sugars: