Saturday, January 2, 2010

OH...It's 2010!

I'm reading New Years goals and resolutions and figured out I hadn't committed to anything for 2010. Seriously though, me making goals and sticking to them let alone remember them is a comic event in itself. Which is why I resolve not to resolve. It's so much easier for me to do that then remember what the resolution is, figure out how to add it in, and make sure that I've some how completed it.

I'm anticipating a lot happening this year.

I was talking to a friend of mine regarding Blogging. I told her I just didn't have it in me lately. Her response had me thinking.... She said something like this...

"There are times when God works on us internally and we can't verbalize what's going on until we are ready to share."

That, my friends, is exactly where I am. I'm being worked on internally. We're talking overhaul. I'm being prepared for a lot of changes. Ones that are going to ROCK the World of Rho. I can't list them, share them, or even put them into words.....yet. But, when I am--hold on to your coffee cups 'cause chaos will ensue.

Just thought I'd update.

2 creams and sugars:

Fuschia said...

Oh no you didn't just leave me hanging like that!!!

Joy said...

Ummm...yeah, what she said. Gonna need W.A.Y. more detail!