Last night at Praise practice a very profound question was asked.
"Has everyone decided what they will be fasting for the month of February?"
**Coffee** The still small voice tells me..
Mind you....I remember Hubby 'mentioning' something about fasting. But nothing about a month or that it would be an individual decision as to what.
My first thought was....."Stink!" Mainly because I'd not given ANY thought to fasting. We're talking Zip, Zero, Zil-CH!! Now, I'm mentally going through the massive list of meals, items, and favorites that I could give up.
**Coffee** Clearer now I'm hearing it.
But first...I'll need clarification... ME - "What exactly do we have to fast?"
Friend "Anything you feel the Lord leading you towards"
Okay God, I hear ya... I just need more clarification.
ME - "If I choose, say, coffee.... Can I substitute hot tea? I..II...I... need something warm to drink in the morning!"
Friend #2 "If you drink hot tea...are you really sacrificing?" (YES!?!?!--But, not REALLY...) Then in recounting the conversation with my pastor and reiterating it in a service...
SACRIFICE - giving up something you love...for something you love more.
Fast Forward to today....
Day 4 of NO COFFEE...
I'm just now to the point where I can speak about it. The first two days were brutal coming off of the eternal caffeine kick I've been on for the last 15+ years. Chaos was certainly the term I'd use for my household, my work, and my life. I'm convinced that without coffee, I'm ADD. Not to mention the caffeine headache that brought me to my knees at 8:30, Monday night causing me to go to sleep before the kids even thought about changing into their pajamas. To say, I've been joyful would be wrong....but, I haven't really been mean either. So I should get kudos for that.
I've been super quiet. The fast will last for the month of February. For everytime I think, wish, or want coffee...I offer up a prayer and spend some quiet time with the Lord. Which explains the quiet part...I've been in prayer ALOT!
I'm working through the headaches...(I still have one lurking) because I've pretty much cut out caffeine all together. I'm working through some other things...but am out of time...
Until the next time!!