Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Precious Daughter

At least that's the e-mail title that her teacher sent to explain why she received a red for the day.

Apparently, she wasn't "listening and following directions". Again.  So she was moved to yellow.  Because of that she had to "walk" during free time instead of playing.  Well.. she was supposed to walk.  Apparently.. the teacher found her playing on the playground.  When asked about it she explained that she never did "walk" and therefore she had to sit in time out.  No worries... Instant punishment at the house for being disobedient.  Right?!?!

So.. when I picked her up from school.. She was honest and told me what color she had for the day.  When I asked why she got a red.....Her version was slightly different.  She did have a yellow but, when they made it to the playground... She and her friends found an ant that lost it's colony and they had to built it another home.

In her mind.. she was helping something.. therefor she wasn't in the wrong. What do you do with that thought process??!?!?

She did get a firm talking to about being disrespectful and not obeying her teacher.  

2 creams and sugars:

Anonymous said...

That has got to be one of the most Buggy of the Bug stories I have heard in quite a while.

Edwina at The Picket Fence said...

Now, you don't be toooo hard on that sweet little angel :)