Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I chose the difficult path, full of mountains and tears

yet the result will be happiness & joy for many, many years.

You chose the easy one, full of gifts and fun
after 5 years of ups and downs, you think you've caught your one.

I've kept you in my prayers, I've called you on the phone
and yet you return nothing, leaving me all alone.

This is just a bunch of thoughts describing a friendship I once had.  I'm being reminded of it often and I'm not sure why.  As you can tell there isn't much contact.  I can't explain the circumstances and why the paths were chosen, I can only say that for whatever reason a wound has been reopened.  The two of us were so close you couldn't tell where one started and the other one ended.  

Do I get in touch or leave it be?

1 creams and sugars:

Michelle @ Sew-Krafty said...

Only you (and God) can answer that for yourself. Remember what the Lord told me about friendships...you get something out of each of them, good or bad.

I'm thankful for what I get out of ours!!